Hacker News
- How to restore ASP website with .bak database http://localhost/ 15 comments programming
- Is anyone available for hire? for cracking something paid job http://localhost 9 comments reverseengineering
- VNC through ssh tunnel http://localhost 12 comments netsec
- What AI assistant do you use to write code? What’s your experience? https://localhost 4 comments programming
- API Problem you may get into! READ THIS to not face this bug http://localhost 5 comments reactnative
- How to use bash Variable in curl Post request http://localhost 3 comments bash
- I don't understand what proxy is doing in flask/react app http://localhost 4 comments flask
- [Help] -- LAMP Stack on Chromebook -- Cannot browse to localhost http://localhost 4 comments chromeos
- Server 2012R2 - Share file via HTTP http://localhost 3 comments sysadmin
- Quick question about ELB - status unhealthy 504 Gateway Time-out http://localhost/ 13 comments aws
- No more localhost development? http://localhost 5 comments webdev
- When will we reach a state where we generate more energy than we need? http://localhost 11 comments technology
- The sickest website I've ever seen in a lifetime of browsing the internet http://localhost/ 3 comments reddit.com
Linking pages
- GitHub - appwrite/appwrite: Secure Backend Server for Web, Mobile & Flutter Developers 🚀 AKA the 100% open-source Firebase alternative. https://github.com/appwrite/appwrite 480 comments
- GitHub - srpeck/kchat: Persistent group chat in <50 lines using kdb+/k/q web sockets and JS https://github.com/srpeck/kchat 118 comments
- GitHub - djirdehh/react-living-app: 🌎 A react app that helps you compare the cost of living between cities worldwide https://github.com/djirdehh/react-living-app 110 comments
- Homelab: Intel NUC with the ESXi hypervisor | Henrique Vicente https://henvic.dev/posts/homelab/ 109 comments
- GitHub - windmill-labs/windmill: Open-source developer platform to power your entire infra and turn scripts into webhooks, workflows and UIs. Fastest workflow engine (13x vs Airflow). Open-source alternative to Retool and Temporal. https://github.com/windmill-labs/windmill 109 comments
- GitHub - brufdev/many-notes: Markdown note-taking app https://github.com/brufdev/many-notes 92 comments
- Welcome to the World of Software Defined Radio – Robert Putt https://www.robertputt.co.uk/welcome-to-the-world-of-software-defined-radio/ 90 comments
- GitHub - billabear/billabear: Subscription Management and Billing System https://github.com/billabear/billabear 80 comments
- GitHub - overshard/timestrap: Time tracking you can host anywhere. Full export support in multiple formats and easily extensible. https://github.com/overshard/timestrap 75 comments
- GitHub - will-moss/erin: Self-hostable TikTok feed for your clips. Make a TikTok feed with your own videos https://github.com/will-moss/erin 65 comments
- Ember.js - Web Applications Done Right http://www.infoq.com/articles/Emberjs-Web-Applications 54 comments
- GitHub - cytopia/devilbox: A modern Docker LAMP stack and MEAN stack for local development https://github.com/cytopia/devilbox 47 comments
- Ember JS – An In-Depth Introduction — Smashing Magazine http://coding.smashingmagazine.com/2013/11/07/an-in-depth-introduction-to-ember-js/ 44 comments
- GitHub - matt-schwartz/personal-inventory: A personal inventory management web app https://github.com/matt-schwartz/personal-inventory 43 comments
- Console2 - A Better Windows Command Prompt - Scott Hanselman's Blog http://www.hanselman.com/blog/Console2ABetterWindowsCommandPrompt.aspx 40 comments
- GitHub - uselotus/lotus: Open Source Pricing & Packaging Infrastructure https://github.com/uselotus/lotus 33 comments
- GitHub - freeciv/freeciv-web: Freeciv-web is an Open Source strategy game implemented in HTML5 and WebGL, which can be played online against other players, or in single player mode against AI opponents. https://github.com/freeciv/freeciv-web 32 comments
- GitHub - mlcraft-io/mlcraft: Synmetrix – open source semantic layer / Boost your LLM precision https://github.com/mlcraft-io/mlcraft 30 comments
- GitHub - gautamkrishnar/nothing-private: Do you think you are safe using private browsing or incognito mode?. This will prove that you're wrong. https://github.com/gautamkrishnar/nothing-private#readme 29 comments
- GitHub - sensahin/YouWhisper: Convert YouTube videos to text using openai/whisper https://github.com/sensahin/YouWhisper 27 comments
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