- 2,100-Yr-Old Royal Chinese Tombs Discovered—Jade coffin & over 10,000 artifacts in mausoleum of 3 main tombs, 11 attendant tombs, 5 chariots, swords, spearheads, crossbow triggers, knives found. King's tomb has gold, silver, musical instruments, over 100,000 coins & a kitchen with food. http://www.livescience.com/47173-ancient-mausoleum-discovered-in-china.html 136 comments worldnews
- A 2,100-year-old mausoleum built for a king named Liu Fei has been discovered in modern-day Xuyi County in Jiangsu, China. Liu Fei died in 128 B.C. during the 26th year of his rule over a kingdom named Jiangdu, which was part of the Chinese empire. http://www.livescience.com/47173-ancient-mausoleum-discovered-in-china.html 20 comments history
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