Hacker News
Linking pages
- Iggy.rs - building message streaming in Rust https://blog.iggy.rs/posts/building-message-streaming-in-rust/ 102 comments
- The analysis Filecoin doesn’t want you to read | by Stefano Bernardi | Token Economy https://medium.com/token-economy/the-analysis-filecoin-doesnt-want-you-to-read-e60d5243f17c 81 comments
- GitHub - aperturerobotics/bifrost: Modular networking daemon and library. https://github.com/aperturerobotics/bifrost 56 comments
- GitHub - lemunozm/message-io: Fast and easy-to-use event-driven network library. https://github.com/lemunozm/message-io 49 comments
- GitHub - dennis-tra/pcp: 📦 Command line peer-to-peer data transfer tool based on libp2p. https://github.com/dennis-tra/pcp 47 comments
- ConsenSys Raises $65 Million to Accelerate Convergence Of Traditional And Decentralized Finance | ConsenSys https://consensys.net/blog/press-release/consensys-raises-65-million-to-accelerate-convergence-of-traditional-and-decentralized-finance/ 47 comments
- Re-decentralizing the Web: the Ambients protocol | by Haja Networks | Medium https://medium.com/@hajanetworks/re-decentralizing-the-web-54678a1e4848 33 comments
- Bitcoin Cash Overlay Network. As part of the bchd project we maintain… | by bchd | Medium https://medium.com/@bchd.cash/bitcoin-cash-overlay-network-22160011f7ee 27 comments
- BCH Devs Publish Bi-Directional Payment Concept Based on IPFS – Bitcoin News https://news.bitcoin.com/bch-devs-publish-bi-directional-payment-concept-based-on-ipfs/ 23 comments
- GitHub - libp2p/go-libp2p: libp2p implementation in Go https://github.com/ipfs/go-libp2p 8 comments
- Vector 0.1.0 Mainnet Release. The beginning of a multi-chain Ethereum… | by Arjun Bhuptani | Connext https://medium.com/connext/vector-0-1-0-mainnet-release-9496ae52c422 7 comments
- GitHub - Dione-Software/dione: Dione is an anonymize and encrypted messaging system build on top on a peer to peer layer. https://github.com/dione-software/dione 7 comments
- GitHub - hyprspace/hyprspace: A Lightweight VPN Built on top of IPFS + Libp2p for Truly Distributed Networks. https://github.com/hyprspace/hyprspace 6 comments
- Thousands of infected IoT devices used in for-profit anonymity service | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2020/10/thousands-of-infected-iot-devices-used-in-for-profit-anonymity-service/ 5 comments
- Tupelo as it relates to IPLD and IPFS | by Topper Bowers | Medium https://medium.com/@tobowers/under-the-hood-tupelo-uses-ipld-libp2p-and-it-also-makes-use-of-bitswap-2d8007ba664c 4 comments
- An IPFS adventure · Welcome to the jungle https://madoke.org/blog/an-ipfs-adventure/ 3 comments
- GitHub - webmeshproj/webmesh: A simple, distributed, zero-configuration WireGuard mesh solution https://github.com/webmeshproj/webmesh 3 comments
- On Implementation of Distributed Protocols | Replica_IO https://replica-io.dev/blog/2024/03/04/on-implementation-of-distributed-prtocols 3 comments
- Comparing IPFS and Dat. A core component of decentralizing the… | by Jay Graber | Stories from the Decentralized Web | Medium https://medium.com/@graber.jay/comparing-ipfs-and-dat-8f3891d3a603 2 comments
- A Rusty Bootstrapper | IPFS Blog & News https://blog.ipfs.tech/2023-rust-libp2p-based-ipfs-bootstrap-node/ 2 comments