- Why was Major Graham Baily's court martial removed from the Air Force Docket? He was supposed to have his court martial in February but it's not on the Docket or Trial Results anymore. https://legalassistance.law.af.mil/AMJAMS/PublicDocket/docket.html 27 comments airforce
- AF Docket site broken? https://legalassistance.law.af.mil/AMJAMS/PublicDocket/docket.html 5 comments airforce
- To ALL aircraft maintainers. Don't accept that article 15. https://legalassistance.law.af.mil/AMJAMS/PublicDocket/docket.html 108 comments airforce
Linking pages
- Lindsey Graham is a total hypocrite on Judge Jackson and child porn: Here's why | Salon.com https://www.salon.com/2022/04/08/lindsey-graham-is-a-total-hypocrite-on-jackson-and-child-porn-heres-why/ 378 comments
- Air Force chief master sergeant found guilty of dereliction of duty https://taskandpurpose.com/news/air-force-chief-master-sergeant-jamie-kohr/ 29 comments
- Missing Air Force captain William Howard Hughes found 35 years later https://www.sfgate.com/sfhistory/article/mysterious-disappearance-of-william-hughes-17351393.php 22 comments
- Missing Air Force captain William Howard Hughes found 35 years later https://www.sfgate.com/sfhistory/article/mysterious-disappearance-of-william-hughes-17351393.php?IPID=SFGate-HP-CP-Spotlight 17 comments
- Air Force captain court-martialed for hanging up on a colonel https://taskandpurpose.com/news/air-force-court-martial-phone/ 7 comments
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