- Trump Given Deadlines to Produce DNA in E. Jean Carroll Case | Law & Crime https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/obviously-required-to-provide-it-trump-given-deadlines-to-produce-dna-in-e-jean-carrolls-defamation-lawsuit/ 2 comments law
- ‘Obviously Required to Provide It’: Trump Given Deadlines to Produce DNA in E. Jean Carroll’s Defamation Lawsuit https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/obviously-required-to-provide-it-trump-given-deadlines-to-produce-dna-in-e-jean-carrolls-defamation-lawsuit/ 3 comments politics
- 'Obviously Required to Provide It’: Trump Given Deadlines to Produce DNA in E. Jean Carroll’s Defamation Lawsuit https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/obviously-required-to-provide-it-trump-given-deadlines-to-produce-dna-in-e-jean-carrolls-defamation-lawsuit 4 comments politics
- ‘Obviously Required to Provide It’: Trump Given Deadlines to Produce DNA in E. Jean Carroll’s Defamation Lawsuit https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/obviously-required-to-provide-it-trump-given-deadlines-to-produce-dna-in-e-jean-carrolls-defamation-lawsuit/ 4 comments politics
- ‘Obviously Required to Provide It’: Trump Given Deadlines to Produce DNA in E. Jean Carroll’s Defamation Lawsuit https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/obviously-required-to-provide-it-trump-given-deadlines-to-produce-dna-in-e-jean-carrolls-defamation-lawsuit/ 210 comments politics
Linking pages
- DOJ Messes Up Attempt to Defend Trump in E. Jean Carroll Case | Law & Crime https://lawandcrime.com/awkward/barrs-doj-screws-up-routine-effort-to-defend-trump-in-e-jean-carroll-case/ 79 comments
- Error Could Ruin DOJ's Attempted Takeover of E. Jean Carroll Lawsuit | Law & Crime https://lawandcrime.com/awkward/embarrassing-doj-quarantine-screw-up-throws-wrench-into-hostile-takeover-of-e-jean-carrolls-lawsuit-against-trump/ 13 comments
- Judge Gives Bill Barr a 'Basic Civics Lesson' | Law & Crime https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/federal-court-gives-bill-barr-a-basic-civics-lesson-in-e-jean-carroll-smackdown/ 9 comments
- Justice Department Jumps In To Help Trump In Lawsuit Filed By Rape Accuser | HuffPost Latest News https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_5f5825f9c5b6b48507f8f2b9 7 comments
- E. Jean Carroll's Lawyers Respond to DOJ Intervention in Trump Case | Law & Crime https://lawandcrime.com/lawsuit/e-jean-carrolls-lawyers-tear-into-doj-for-attempted-take-over-of-defamation-case-not-ones-job-is-to-slander-women/ 5 comments
Linked pages
- reddit.com: Anmelden http://reddit.com/submit 54 comments
- ‘She’s Not My Type’: Accused Again of Sexual Assault, Trump Resorts to Old Insult - The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/24/us/politics/jean-carroll-trump.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share 52 comments
- EXCLUSIVE: Trump vehemently denies E. Jean Carroll allegation, says ‘she’s not my type’ | The Hill https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/450116-trump-vehemently-denies-e-jean-carroll-allegation-shes-not-my-type 36 comments
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