- Authentication between services on the same/different cluster https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/authentication/#openid-connect-tokens 12 comments kubernetes
- Any suggestion for open-source users store in Kubernetes https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/authentication/ 6 comments kubernetes
Linking pages
- Container Platform Security at Cruise | by Karl Isenberg | Cruise | Medium https://medium.com/cruise/container-platform-security-7a3057a27663 21 comments
- The Beginner's Guide to Securing Kubernetes https://www.hunters.security/en/blog/kubernetes-security-guide 17 comments
- GitHub - postfinance/kubectl-sudo: Run kubernetes commands with the security privileges of another user https://github.com/postfinance/kubectl-sudo 13 comments
- User and workload identities in Kubernetes https://learnk8s.io/authentication-kubernetes 9 comments
- GitHub - loft-sh/kiosk: kiosk 🏢 Multi-Tenancy Extension For Kubernetes - Secure Cluster Sharing & Self-Service Namespace Provisioning https://kiosk.sh 7 comments
- Deploy and run a Azure OpenAI/ChatGPT app on AKS with Terraform - Microsoft Community Hub https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/fasttrack-for-azure/deploy-and-run-a-azure-openai-chatgpt-app-on-aks-with-terraform/ba-p/3839611?WT.mc_id=academic-0000-abartolo 7 comments
- Install kubectl and configure cluster access | Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) | Google Cloud https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/how-to/cluster-access-for-kubectl 7 comments
- Four steps for hardening Amazon EKS security | Snyk https://snyk.io/blog/hardening-amazon-eks-security/ 5 comments
- Stop Making Kubernetes Auth Hard – kty https://kty.dev/blog/2024-09-19-auth-isnt-hard 5 comments
- Mac Chaffee https://www.macchaffee.com/blog/2022/k8s-under-documented-security-tips/ 4 comments
- Types of Kubernetes Auth - FusionAuth https://fusionauth.io/learn/expert-advice/authentication/types-of-kubernetes-auth 4 comments
- GitHub - gyselroth/kube-ldap: A Webhook Token Authentication plugin for kubernetes to use LDAP as authentication source https://github.com/gyselroth/kube-ldap 4 comments
- A Complete Kubernetes Config Review Methodology – Security Café https://securitycafe.ro/2023/02/27/a-complete-kubernetes-config-review-methodology/ 4 comments
- Mesh your Kubernetes cluster to the rest of your network with the Tailscale Kubernetes operator · Tailscale https://tailscale.com/blog/kubernetes-operator/ 4 comments
- GitHub - machine424/notebook-on-kube: Create and manage your Notebooks on Kube using bare minimum code. https://github.com/machine424/notebook-on-kube 3 comments
- azure-ad-k8s-idp.md · GitHub https://gist.github.com/lukapetrovic-git/5ea8a8d15cafa02b2095dcd0873e08f2 3 comments
- Service Account Tokens in Kubernetes v1.24 | D2iQ Engineering https://eng.d2iq.com/blog/service-account-tokens-in-kubernetes-v1.24/ 2 comments
- GitHub - kubernetes-sigs/aws-iam-authenticator: A tool to use AWS IAM credentials to authenticate to a Kubernetes cluster https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/aws-iam-authenticator 2 comments
- Limiting access to Kubernetes resources with RBAC https://learnk8s.io/rbac-kubernetes 2 comments
- Orchestrating Data Pipelines at Lyft: comparing Flyte and Airflow | by Constantine Slisenka | Lyft Engineering https://eng.lyft.com/orchestrating-data-pipelines-at-lyft-comparing-flyte-and-airflow-72c40d143aad?gi=76067277283d 2 comments
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