Hacker News
- f.lux https://justgetflux.com/ 197 comments
- F.lux automatically adjusts your computer lighting to match your environment https://justgetflux.com/ 56 comments
- f.lux: iOS 9.3's Night Shift mode for your Mac https://justgetflux.com/ 2 comments
- F.lux: adjusts display color temp by time of day https://justgetflux.com/ 6 comments
- F.lux – It makes the color of your computer's display adapt to the time of day https://justgetflux.com/ 2 comments
- F.lux http://justgetflux.com/ 48 comments
- Software that makes the color of your computer's display adapt to the time of day, warm at night and like sunlight during the day https://justgetflux.com/ 10 comments internetisbeautiful
- Automatic Screen Dimmer No DDC https://justgetflux.com/ 3 comments software
- f.lux - For those that use electronics at night ------Flux changes the color of your computer's display adapt to the time of day, warm at night and like sunlight during the day. https://justgetflux.com 15 comments internetisbeautiful
- How to go about recreating a desktop app like f.lux? https://justgetflux.com/ 16 comments swift
- Looking for a f.lux alternative https://justgetflux.com/ 3 comments software
- F.LUX for chromeos? https://justgetflux.com/ 10 comments chromeos
- Is it just me or does [certain aspects of] video and sound run smoother than Windows in this OS? Post any nuance/micro improvements you've noticed compared to Windows or macOS https://justgetflux.com/ 9 comments elementaryos
- Screen intermittently switches to 80% brightness https://justgetflux.com/ 4 comments techsupport
- Microsoft working on integrating a f.lux-like feature into Windows 10 https://justgetflux.com/ 48 comments windowsphone
- Free/Libre Version of Screen Dimmer Flux? https://justgetflux.com/ 3 comments freesoftware
- Computer reboots on display mode change in Nvidia CPL (Driver: 364.51) SLI https://justgetflux.com/ 4 comments nvidia
- Do programs like f.lux stress or degrade your monitor? https://justgetflux.com/ 5 comments techsupport
- Flux: Why doesn't Apple implement it into their OSs https://justgetflux.com/ 15 comments apple
- F.lux on my Mac looks like a desert sunrise (2012 MBP @ 2700K). https://justgetflux.com 36 comments apple
- Images in Chrome and Windows Image viewer have blocky green clipping in the shadows https://justgetflux.com/ 8 comments techsupport
- Are there any apps which operate like Flux? https://justgetflux.com/ 3 comments windowsphone
- My List of Invaluable OS X Apps - list yours below! http://justgetflux.com 101 comments apple
- [All] F.lux - Automatic Monitor Color Adjustment - xpost from /r/Freeware http://justgetflux.com/ 23 comments software
- "Extra Feature" in f.lux is asking for administrator rights. Is this shady or am I being paranoid? http://justgetflux.com/ 3 comments techsupport
- My eyes used to always hurt after using the computer all day. How I fixed it. http://justgetflux.com/ 13 comments startups
- f.lux: software to make your life better http://justgetflux.com/ 15 comments software
- new LCD flickers when connected to MacBookPro via DVI to HDMI. http://justgetflux.com 3 comments techsupport
- Are there any WP apps like these for brightness control? http://justgetflux.com/ 27 comments windowsphone
Linking pages
- Phones need 'bed mode' to protect sleep - BBC News http://www.bbc.com/news/health-34744859 465 comments
- Redshift http://jonls.dk/redshift/ 265 comments
- f.lux, but for your house - Tyler Cipriani https://tylercipriani.com/blog/2022/10/17/whole-house-circadian-lighting-with-home-assistant/ 232 comments
- Melatonin · Gwern.net http://www.gwern.net/Melatonin 219 comments
- GitHub - auctors/free-lunch: A curated list of free Windows software, online services and resources. Feel free to contribute! https://github.com/auctors/free-lunch 216 comments
- Apple's Night Shift is coming to macOS - The Verge http://www.theverge.com/2017/1/24/14373370/macos-sierra-beta-night-shift-update-blue-light 213 comments
- Scott Hanselman's 2014 Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List for Windows - Scott Hanselman's Blog http://www.hanselman.com/blog/ScottHanselmans2014UltimateDeveloperAndPowerUsersToolListForWindows.aspx 211 comments
- Voyage to Nowhere: The Amazon Kindle Story — CGP Grey http://www.cgpgrey.com/blog/voyage-to-nowhere 188 comments
- What's the Problem With Old But Excellent Mac Apps? • Christian Tietze https://christiantietze.de/posts/2022/03/half-assed-mac-apps/ 141 comments
- YOU NEED MORE LUMENS | Meaningness https://meaningness.com/metablog/sad-light-lumens 140 comments
- GitHub - alexanderepstein/Sandman: An Application Built With Late Night Developers In Mind https://github.com/alexanderepstein/Insomnia 133 comments
- Preventing burnout for programmers | by Karolis Ramanauskas | Medium https://medium.com/@karolisram/preventing-burnout-for-programmers-12b4968adbaa 118 comments
- My 2023 C# Software Developer Tool List | Michael's Coding Spot https://michaelscodingspot.com/developer-tools/ 106 comments
- My front-end design toolbox. A few years ago I compiled a list of… | by Sawyer Hollenshead | Medium https://medium.com/@sawyerh/my-front-end-designer-toolbox-a0ba92f611b3 97 comments
- Hands-On With the New Night Shift Mode in macOS Sierra 10.12.4 - MacRumors http://www.macrumors.com/2017/01/24/night-shift-mode-in-macos-sierra-10-12-4/ 82 comments
- Sleep Experiment - A Month With No Artificial Light - J.D. Moyer http://jdmoyer.com/2010/03/04/sleep-experiment-a-month-with-no-artificial-light/ 78 comments
- Apple Introduces New 'Night Shift' Feature in iOS 9.3 - MacRumors http://www.macrumors.com/2016/01/11/apple-ios-9-3-night-shift/ 71 comments
- Color: From Hexcodes to Eyeballs http://jamie-wong.com/post/color/ 69 comments
- Improving Themes in Firefox | Mozilla Add-ons Community Blog https://blog.mozilla.org/addons/2017/02/24/improving-themes-in-firefox/ 63 comments
- Ergonomic tips from over-full-time programmer https://yoyo-code.com/ergonomic-tips-from-over-full-time-programmer/ 54 comments
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