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- Teaching and Learning with Jupyter (A book by Jupyter for Education) https://jupyter4edu.github.io/jupyter-edu-book/ 3 comments
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- Think Python, 3rd edition — Think Python, 3rd edition https://allendowney.github.io/ThinkPython/ 126 comments
- GitHub - pamoroso/free-python-books: Python books free to read online or download https://github.com/pamoroso/free-python-books 22 comments
- Plasma: A learning platform powered by Jupyter | by Jeremy Tuloup | Jupyter Blog https://blog.jupyter.org/plasma-a-learning-platform-powered-by-jupyter-1b850fcd8624 0 comments
- GitHub - jupyter4edu/jupyter-edu-book: Teaching and Learning with Jupyter https://github.com/jupyter4edu/jupyter-edu-book 0 comments
- GitHub - modenaxe/awesome-biomechanics: A curated, public list of resources for biomechanics and human motion analysis: datasets, processing tools, software for simulation, educational videos, lectures, etc. https://github.com/modenaxe/awesome-biomechanics 0 comments
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