Hacker News
- The Law of Leaky Abstractions (2002) https://www.joelonsoftware.com/2002/11/11/the-law-of-leaky-abstractions/ 85 comments
- The Law of Leaky Abstractions https://www.joelonsoftware.com/2002/11/11/the-law-of-leaky-abstractions/ 82 comments programming
Linking pages
- GitHub - dwmkerr/hacker-laws: 💻📖 Laws, Theories, Principles and Patterns that developers will find useful. #hackerlaws https://github.com/dwmkerr/hacker-laws#cunninghams-law 1433 comments
- Tailwind is a Leaky Abstraction - Jake Lazaroff https://jakelazaroff.com/words/tailwind-is-a-leaky-abstraction/ 509 comments
- The Law of Leaky Abstractions – Joel on Software http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/leakyabstractions.html 448 comments
- Microservices Are Something You Grow into, Not Begin With — Nick Janetakis https://nickjanetakis.com/blog/microservices-are-something-you-grow-into-not-begin-with 324 comments
- Programmers Should Never Trust Anyone, Not Even Themselves https://carbon-steel.github.io/jekyll/update/2024/06/19/abstractions.html 307 comments
- The motor turns (too much) â Project Gus https://www.projectgus.com/2024/01/kona-motor-turns/ 192 comments
- Post-Architecture: Premature Abstraction Is the Root of All Evil https://arendjr.nl/blog/2024/07/post-architecture-premature-abstraction-is-the-root-of-all-evil/ 114 comments
- Cloud, why so difficult? 🤷♀️ | Wing https://docs.winglang.io/blog/2022/11/23/manifesto 98 comments
- Cloud, why so difficult? 🤷♀️ | Wing https://www.winglang.io/blog/2022/11/23/manifesto 92 comments
- Arkwrite https://arkwright.github.io/event-sourcing.html 77 comments
- Accidental complexity, essential complexity, and Kubernetes | Drifting in Space https://driftingin.space/posts/complexity-kubernetes 75 comments
- Lessons From a Startup Pivot | You’ve Been Haacked https://haacked.com/archive/2022/07/25/lessons-from-the-pivot/ 26 comments
- DevChecklists | Python API Checklist http://python.apichecklist.com/ 23 comments
- The computer science case for web3 - by ortutay https://ortutay.substack.com/p/the-computer-science-case-for-web3 14 comments
- GitHub - polendri/awesome-dev-articles: A collection of awesome articles that are relevant to software developers. https://github.com/pshendry/awesome-dev-articles 13 comments
- How much specification does a developer need? https://lucasfcosta.com/2020/10/24/specification-and-rest-apis.html 12 comments
- Forget about Leaky Abstractions http://beza1e1.tuxen.de/leaky_abstractions.html 12 comments
- GitHub - bolt12/advent-of-haskell-dd: Day 9 of Advent of Haskell - Denotational Design https://github.com/bolt12/advent-of-haskell-dd 10 comments
- CTO day 4: Team building with "I dare you" challenge https://danlebrero.com/2021/02/17/cto-diary-team-buidling-i-dare-you/ 9 comments
- Why Simple is So Complex. The complexity of simplicity in… | by Joe Crick | ITNEXT https://medium.com/p/362bc835b763/ 7 comments
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