Hacker News
- A future for SQL on the web (2021) https://jlongster.com/future-sql-web 25 comments
- A future for SQL on the web https://jlongster.com/future-sql-web 218 comments
- A future for SQL on the web https://jlongster.com/future-sql-web 10 comments databases , javascript , web
- A future for SQL on the web https://jlongster.com/future-sql-web 6 comments javascript
- A future for SQL on the web – James Long https://jlongster.com/future-sql-web 10 comments programming
Linking pages
- GitHub - jlongster/absurd-sql: sqlite3 in ur indexeddb (hopefully a better backend soon) https://github.com/jlongster/absurd-sql 11 comments
- GIFs (sane) playback control using WASM and FFmpeg - Bruno Luiz Silva https://brunoluiz.net/blog/2022/jan/gif-sane-playback-control-ffmpegwasm/ 9 comments
- Why do Webdevs keep trying to kill REST? https://www.swyx.io/client-server-battle 8 comments
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