- Here's a really interesting app I found called Popcorn Messaging - you can chat with random people on campus! https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/popcorn-messaging/id718416705?mt=8 5 comments apple
Linking pages
- Entering the Era of Private and Semi-Anonymous Apps - The New York Times http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/02/07/entering-the-era-of-private-and-semi-anonymous-apps/?_php=true&_r=2&_type=blogs&emc=edit_th_20140208&nl=todaysheadlines 0 comments
- Entering the Era of Private and Semi-Anonymous Apps - The New York Times http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/02/07/entering-the-era-of-private-and-semi-anonymous-apps/ 0 comments
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