- A de facto regressive tax structure by design. Trump tax proposals to give tax cut for richest 5% of Americans; tax increase for all other income groups. Sweeping tariffs, passed to consumers, have same effect as flat tax. So, the less you earn, the greater the share of your income’s lost to taxes. https://itep.org/a-distributional-analysis-of-donald-trumps-tax-plan-2024/ 115 comments economics
- A Distributional Analysis of Donald Trump’s Tax Plan [Trickle down economics is about to kick in] https://itep.org/a-distributional-analysis-of-donald-trumps-tax-plan-2024/ 10 comments politics
- A Distributional Analysis of Donald Trump’s Tax Plan https://itep.org/a-distributional-analysis-of-donald-trumps-tax-plan-2024/ 8 comments politics
- Impact Of Donald Trump’s Tax Proposals by Income Group: Former President Donald Trump has proposed a wide variety of tax policy changes. Taken together, these proposals would, on average, lead to a tax cut for the richest 5 percent of Americans and a tax increase for all other income groups. https://itep.org/a-distributional-analysis-of-donald-trumps-tax-plan-2024/ 244 comments economics
Linking pages
- Republicans Discussing Big Cuts To Health Care, Food And Clean Energy Programs: Report | HuffPost Latest News https://www.huffpost.com/entry/republican-medicaid-food-energy-cuts_n_6782acf1e4b0064bbc0b4399 709 comments
- Donald Trump Tax Plans Would Increase Taxes On 95% Of Americans, Analysis Finds | HuffPost Latest News https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-taxes-tariffs_n_6703e6bae4b02d92107d9d1d 262 comments
- "No mistake on who they're serving": Republicans eye Medicaid, SNAP cuts to pay for Trump tax plan | Salon.com https://www.salon.com/2024/11/19/no-mistake-on-theyre-serving-eye-medicaid-snap-cuts-to-pay-for-plan/ 120 comments
- Donald Trump's plans could bankrupt Social Security in six years https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/trump-harris-social-security-bankruptcy-retirement-taxes-rcna177268 81 comments
- Opinion | How Trump’s Radical Tariff Plan Could Wreck Our Economy - The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2024/10/17/opinion/trump-tariffs-economy.html?smid=url-share&unlocked_article_code=1.TE4.Kea3.wbzp6cN36FDA 46 comments
- The high opportunity cost of Trump's economy | Salon.com https://www.salon.com/2025/01/27/the-high-opportunity-cost-of-economy/ 14 comments
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