Hacker News
- Ask HN: Why's Clojure the top paying programming language? https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2021#top-paying-technologies-programming-scripting-and-markup-languages 15 comments
- Rust wins Stackoverflow Developer Survey 2021 https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2021 4 comments
- Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2021 https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2021 4 comments programming
- Apparently SWE isn't the highest paid area of tech? It's SRE, DevOps and Data Engineering?? https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2021#salary-comp-total 9 comments cscareerquestions
- Vite + vue3, TypeScript support is horrendous? https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2021#section-most-popular-technologies-web-frameworks 22 comments vuejs
- stackoverflow dreaded databases https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2021#most-loved-dreaded-and-wanted-database-love-dread 40 comments database
- Analyzing the market share of JavaScript frameworks, the top three remain the same for the past few years. React, Angular and Vue.js have gained their popularity and are growing steadily. So, What UI Frameworks Will be the Most Popular in 2022? https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2021#most-popular-technologies-webframe-prof 4 comments programming
- Suggest top 3 frontend development frameworks including reason? https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2021#most-popular-technologies-webframe-prof 3 comments askprogramming
- 2021 Developer Survey - Most Loved Language https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2021#most-loved-dreaded-and-wanted-language-love-dread 16 comments clojure
- Do you really need a CS degree? https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2021#education-ed-level-prof 7 comments cscareerquestions
- Why everyone hates Java? https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2021#section-most-loved-dreaded-and-wanted-programming-scripting-and-markup-languages 404 comments java
- How do Haskell salaries compare to other programming languages? https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2021#technology-top-paying-technologies 36 comments haskell
- Curious about data on web3 devs, after having a look at Developer Survey by Stackoverflow. Web3 exploded this year, and it will be exciting to see where it goes. Surely developers are the major boost. https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2021#developer-profile-developer-roles 6 comments programming
- Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2021 https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2021#overview 50 comments programming
- Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2021 https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2021#section-most-popular-technologies-operating-system 14 comments linux
- Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2021 — Results https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2021 12 comments php
- Why do people love Rust. Is it worth learning? https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2021#technology-most-loved-dreaded-and-wanted 8 comments learnprogramming
- This year, React.js surpassed jQuery as the most commonly used web framework - repent now, the end is near! https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2021#section-most-popular-technologies-web-frameworks 6 comments frontend
- This year, React.js surpassed jQuery as the most commonly used web framework - repent now, the end is near! https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2021#section-most-popular-technologies-web-frameworks 31 comments webdev
- This year, React.js surpassed jQuery as the most commonly used web framework - repent now, the end is near! https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2021#section-most-popular-technologies-web-frameworks 117 comments web_design
- Elixir is more popular than Julia and Lisp in Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2021 https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2021#section-most-popular-technologies-programming-scripting-and-markup-languages 11 comments elixir
- Vim is the #4 most loved editor with a 70% rating, according to the 2021 Stackoverflow Developer Survey (Neovim is #1, VSCode #2) https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2021#section-most-loved-dreaded-and-wanted-collaboration-tools 127 comments vim
- Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2021 with little Haskell presence https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2021 16 comments haskell
- Laravel is the worst payed web framework, with an average of $29,196 yearly - According to stack overflow developer survey 2021 https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2021 85 comments laravel
- Dart is by far the lowest paid programming language in the 2021 SO survey https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2021#top-paying-technologies-programming-scripting-and-markup-languages 35 comments dartlang
- Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2021: "Rust reigns supreme as most loved. Python and Typescript are the languages developers want to work with most if they aren’t already doing so." https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2021#technology-most-loved-dreaded-and-wanted 13 comments ruby
- APL featured in this year's Stack Overflow developer survey. See how it fared in the rankings of most popular tech, top paying tech and "Loved vs. Dreaded" languages. https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2021#technology-most-loved-dreaded-and-wanted 4 comments apljk
- Go is the 10th most loved language in 2021! https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2021#technology-most-loved-dreaded-and-wanted 85 comments golang
- Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2021: "Rust reigns supreme as most loved. Python and Typescript are the languages developers want to work with most if they aren’t already doing so." https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2021#technology-most-loved-dreaded-and-wanted 6 comments technews
- Clojure developers have the highest median salary [Stack Overflow Survey 2021] https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2021#top-paying-technologies-programming-scripting-and-markup-languages 17 comments clojure
- Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2021: Julia is the 5th most loved language, above Python. https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2021#technology-most-loved-dreaded-and-wanted 2 comments julia
- Neovim is the most loved editor (Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2021) https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2021#section-most-loved-dreaded-and-wanted-collaboration-tools 26 comments neovim
- Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2021: "Rust reigns supreme as most loved. Python and Typescript are the languages developers want to work with most if they aren’t already doing so." https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2021#technology-most-loved-dreaded-and-wanted 795 comments programming
- Svelte is StackOverflow's most loved web framework https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2021#section-most-loved-dreaded-and-wanted-web-frameworks 8 comments sveltejs
- Rust is the most loved language, SIX YEARS IN A ROW. StackOverflow Survey 2021 is out! https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2021#technology-most-loved-dreaded-and-wanted 262 comments rust
Linking pages
- Git was built in 5 days https://graphite.dev/blog/understanding-git 670 comments
- 2022 was the year of Linux on the Desktop - Justin Garrison https://www.justingarrison.com/blog/year-of-linux-desktop/ 641 comments
- Rust Is The Future of JavaScript Infrastructure | Lee Robinson https://leerob.io/blog/rust 431 comments
- Fact Checking with Web Scraping #1 - Are Most Rust Jobs In Crypto? | Scraping Fish https://scrapingfish.com/blog/are-most-rust-jobs-in-crypto 399 comments
- Announcing SvelteKit 1.0 https://svelte.dev/blog/announcing-sveltekit-1.0 389 comments
- The self-fulfilling prophecy of React - Josh Collinsworth blog https://joshcollinsworth.com/blog/self-fulfilling-prophecy-of-react 377 comments
- Bugs that the Rust compiler catches for you https://kerkour.com/bugs-rust-compiler-helps-prevent 348 comments
- Front-end frameworks popularity (React, Vue, Angular and Svelte) · GitHub https://gist.github.com/tkrotoff/b1caa4c3a185629299ec234d2314e190 315 comments
- 6 Programming Languages You Should Not Learn (and What To Learn Instead) | by Clement Brian | Level Up Coding https://levelup.gitconnected.com/6-programming-languages-you-should-not-learn-and-what-to-learn-instead-95c0c3ff1fa1 202 comments
- The Future of the GitLab Web IDE | GitLab https://about.gitlab.com/blog/2022/05/23/the-future-of-the-gitlab-web-ide/ 175 comments
- PoPHPularity - otsch.codes https://www.otsch.codes/blog/pophpularity 161 comments
- Practical frontend architecture - jaredgorski.org https://jaredgorski.org/writing/14-practical-frontend-architecture/ 160 comments
- Is Flutter better than React Native? | Red Shift https://shift.infinite.red/flutter-is-better-than-react-native-fed10c92a768?gi=3110e8d1fe6 153 comments
- Story: Redis and its creator antirez https://blog.brachiosoft.com/redis-en 143 comments
- Mahmoud Mazouz https://fuzzypixelz.com/blog/joining-the-church-of-emacs/ 85 comments
- It’s good to bet on .NET. Tech fads come and go but .NET remains… | by Bryan Costanich | Medium https://medium.com/@bryancostanich/its-good-to-bet-on-net-c22853f501c7 82 comments
- Redis Anti-Patterns Every Developer Should Avoid | The Home of Redis Developers https://developer.redis.com/howtos/antipatterns/ 75 comments
- The Waning of Ruby and Rails https://berk.es/2022/03/08/the-waning-of-ruby-and-rails/ 74 comments
- Introducing Amazon MemoryDB for Redis – A Redis-Compatible, Durable, In-Memory Database Service | AWS News Blog https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/introducing-amazon-memorydb-for-redis-a-redis-compatible-durable-in-memory-database-service/ 71 comments
- NoneSQL, All the DevEx https://planetscale.com/blog/nonesql-all-the-devex 71 comments
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