Hacker News
- Data alignment: Straighten up and fly right (2005) https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/pa-dalign/ 11 comments
- Data alignment: Why is it so important? http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/pa-dalign/ 2 comments
Linking pages
- GitHub - dbartolini/data-oriented-design: A curated list of data oriented design resources. https://github.com/dbartolini/data-oriented-design 15 comments
- An interactive guide to x86-64 assembly - moving data https://halb.it/posts/x64-moving-data/ 7 comments
- Solving a Mysterious Heap Corruption Crash | Topology Engineering https://topologyeyewear.github.io/engineering-blog/2018/03/07/heap_corruption/ 4 comments
- GitHub - dbartolini/data-oriented-design: A curated list of data oriented design resources. https://github.com/taylor001/data-oriented-design 3 comments