Hacker News
- HashiCorp Switches to BSL License https://www.hashicorp.com/license-faq#What-did-HashiCorp-announce-today-(Aug-10) 3 comments
Linking pages
- GitHub - diggerhq/open-terraform: Terraform enables you to safely and predictably create, change, and improve infrastructure. This is an open-source fork of Hashicorp's Terraform that keeps the MPL license, following Hashicorp's annoutcing change of license to BSL. The fork is created and maintained by Digger.dev, an open-source CI runner for IaC. https://github.com/diggerhq/open-terraform 130 comments
- Kubernetes on Proxmox · Stonegarden https://blog.stonegarden.dev/articles/2024/03/proxmox-k8s-with-cilium/ 18 comments
- uv ill like uv | Lars Grams https://zaloog.github.io/2025/01/19/uv.html 8 comments
- All kinds of licenses | Peter Eisentraut http://peter.eisentraut.org/blog/2023/08/29/all-kinds-of-licenses 0 comments
- XZ Backdoor: Not the End of Open Source | Tales about Software Engineering https://beny23.github.io/posts/xz_backdoor_is_not_the_end_of_open_source/ 0 comments