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- C++ Error Handling: Why Use Eithers in Favor of Exceptions and Error-Codes https://hackernoon.com/error-handling-in-c-or-why-you-should-use-eithers-in-favor-of-exceptions-and-error-codes-f0640912eb45 66 comments
- Error Handling in C++: Why You Should Use Eithers, Not Exceptions or Error-Codes https://hackernoon.com/error-handling-in-c-or-why-you-should-use-eithers-in-favor-of-exceptions-and-error-codes-f0640912eb45 2 comments
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- Build-Systems Should Use Hashes Over Timestamps | by Buckaroo - C/C++ Package Manager | Medium https://medium.com/@buckaroo.pm/build-systems-should-use-hashes-over-timestamps-54d09f6f2c4 49 comments
- Experimenting with Small Buffer Optimization for C++ Lambdas | by Buckaroo - C/C++ Package Manager | HackerNoon.com | Medium https://medium.com/@buckaroo.pm/experimenting-with-small-buffer-optimization-for-c-lambdas-d5b703fb47e4 16 comments
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