- Learning Go to create a REST API that if coded in Node JS I know I would code with Express JS/Socket.IO/Redis and then with JWT auth, should I stick with vanilla(?) net/http or use a framework? And how should I start learning how to do this? https://golang.org/doc/ 8 comments golang
Linking pages
- Channels Are Not Enough or Why Pipelining Is Not That Easy · GitHub https://gist.github.com/kachayev/21e7fe149bc5ae0bd878 501 comments
- On Go — Bill de hÓra http://dehora.net/journal/2013/06/01/on-go/ 274 comments
- Learn Go in ~5mins · GitHub https://gist.github.com/prologic/5f6afe9c1b98016ca278f4d507e65510 156 comments
- Is it worth persevering with Golang? http://www.dwmkerr.com/is-it-worth-persevering-with-golang/ 47 comments
- Here are some amazing advantages of Go that you don’t hear much about https://medium.freecodecamp.org/here-are-some-amazing-advantages-of-go-that-you-dont-hear-much-about-1af99de3b23a 22 comments
- From Node to Go: A High-Level Comparison | by John Stamatakos | TKWW Tech https://medium.com/xo-tech/from-node-to-go-a-high-level-comparison-56c8b717324a#.8oglxxg8x 21 comments
- Start on your first Golang project - Marco Franssen https://marcofranssen.nl/start-on-your-first-golang-project/ 16 comments
- Golang and why it matters. Go, or as its easily google-able… | by James O'Toole | Medium https://medium.com/@jamesotoole/golang-and-why-it-matters-1710b3af96f7 14 comments
- GitHub - alco/gostart: A getting started guide for Go newcomers https://github.com/alco/gostart 14 comments
- Resources for learning Go https://kush01.hashnode.dev/resources-for-learning-go 12 comments
- GitHub - manjurulhoque/book-store https://github.com/manjurulhoque/book-store 12 comments
- GitHub - manjurulhoque/threadly: A real-time discussion platform inspired by Threads, built with Golang and Next.js. Enables users to create, engage with, and manage threaded conversations seamlessly. https://github.com/manjurulhoque/threadly 9 comments
- GitHub - wallarm/gotestwaf: An open-source project in Golang to asess different API Security tools and WAF for detection logic and bypasses https://github.com/wallarm/gotestwaf 7 comments
- Go Fiber: Start Building RESTful APIs on Golang (Feat. GORM) - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻 https://dev.to/percoguru/getting-started-with-apis-in-golang-feat-fiber-and-gorm-2n34 6 comments
- GitHub - mindreframer/golang-stuff: interesting go libs https://github.com/mindreframer/golang-stuff/ 6 comments
- Rewriting our web analytics tracking infrastructure in Go – Skroutz Engineering https://engineering.skroutz.gr/blog/rewriting-web-analytics-tracking-in-go/ 5 comments
- GitHub - notsatan/go-template: A batteries-included project generator for your next Go project https://github.com/notsatan/go-template 4 comments
- GitHub - navicstein/telechatgpt: This is a Telegram bot created with ChatGPT and Golang. The bot uses OpenAI's GPT-3 language model to generate responses to user messages in real-time. https://github.com/navicstein/telechatgpt 2 comments
- 10 Features of Go that Set it Apart From Other Languages. | by Steven Ellis | ITNEXT https://steviecellis.medium.com/10-features-of-go-that-set-it-apart-from-other-languages-89337e5ee551?sk=9a70c876979897376fecd2827669f1ee&source=friends_link 1 comment
- 📖 Getting started | Fiber https://docs.gofiber.io/v1.x/#hello-world 1 comment
Linked pages
- The Go Blog - The Go Programming Language https://blog.golang.org 74 comments
- Google I/O 2012 - Go Concurrency Patterns - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6kdp27TYZs 52 comments
- research!rsc: A Tour of Go http://research.swtch.com/gotour 21 comments
- Google I/O 2013 - Advanced Go Concurrency Patterns - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDDwwePbDtw 14 comments
- Go: code that grows with grace on Vimeo http://vimeo.com/53221560 0 comments
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