- British girl, 5, fined over $240 for selling lemonade outside her home http://globalnews.ca/news/3614416/girl-fined-for-selling-lemonade/ 27 comments nottheonion
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- Kids allowed to sell lemonade on Ottawa bike days, if they sign 3-page contract - National | Globalnews.ca http://globalnews.ca/news/3505994/kids-allowed-to-sell-lemonade-on-ottawa-bike-days-if-they-sign-3-page-contract/ 3 comments
- Ottawa girls’ lemonade stand shut down for not having permit | Globalnews.ca http://globalnews.ca/news/2801824/ottawa-girls-lemonade-stand-shut-down-for-not-having-permit/ 2 comments
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