Hacker News
- The OBS Project is threatening Fedora Linux with legal action https://gitlab.com/fedora/sigs/flatpak/fedora-flatpaks/-/issues/39#note_2344970813 204 comments
- Fedora OBS Drama Resolved https://gitlab.com/fedora/sigs/flatpak/fedora-flatpaks/-/issues/39#note_2354562186 32 comments linux
- Fedora OBS Drama Resolved https://gitlab.com/fedora/sigs/flatpak/fedora-flatpaks/-/issues/39#note_2354562186 36 comments fedora
- Fedora gets threatened with legal action over broken OBS package https://gitlab.com/fedora/sigs/flatpak/fedora-flatpaks/-/issues/39#note_2344970813 135 comments linux_gaming
- The OBS Project is threatening Fedora Linux with legal action, due to "users complaining upstream thinking they are being served the official package", when they're actually using the Fedora Flatpak. The latter is claimed as being "poorly packaged and broken". https://gitlab.com/fedora/sigs/flatpak/fedora-flatpaks/-/issues/39#note_2344970813 344 comments linux
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