Hacker News
- Skipper – An HTTP router and reverse proxy for service composition https://github.com/zalando/skipper 13 comments
Linking pages
- Our polyglot approach: Getting started with Rust https://tech.zalando.de/blog/getting-started-with-rust/ 18 comments
- Kubernetes in production @ ShopGun | by Roffe | ITNEXT https://medium.com/p/2c280f0c0923 17 comments
- GitHub - rootsongjc/awesome-cloud-native: A curated list for awesome cloud native tools, software and tutorials. - https://jimmysong.io/awesome-cloud-native/ https://github.com/rootsongjc/awesome-cloud-native 5 comments
- How Zalando manages 140+ Kubernetes Clusters | SRCco.de https://srcco.de/posts/how-zalando-manages-140-kubernetes-clusters.html 3 comments
- Kubernetes in production @ ShopGun | by Roffe | ITNEXT https://itnext.io/kubernetes-in-production-shopgun-2c280f0c0923 3 comments
- Use skipper to reverse proxy your network · Guides, reviews, notes, and messages https://soapstone.mradford.com/skipper-reverse-proxy-guide/ 0 comments
- GitHub - zalando-incubator/kubernetes-on-aws: Deploying Kubernetes on AWS with CloudFormation and Ubuntu https://github.com/zalando-incubator/kubernetes-on-aws 0 comments
- GitHub - slok/bilrost: Kubernetes controller/operator to set up OAUTH2/OIDC security on any ingress based service https://github.com/slok/bilrost 0 comments
- GitHub - mfornos/awesome-microservices: A curated list of Microservice Architecture related principles and technologies. https://github.com/mfornos/awesome-microservices 0 comments
- Naming Applications and Microservices | SRCco.de https://srcco.de/posts/naming-applications-components-microservices.html 0 comments
- Many Kubernetes Clusters | SRCco.de https://srcco.de/posts/many-kubernetes-clusters.html 0 comments
- GitHub - zalando/tailor: A streaming layout service for front-end microservices https://github.com/zalando/tailor 0 comments
- Building Our Own Open-Source HTTP Routing Solution https://tech.zalando.com/blog/building-our-own-open-source-http-routing-solution/ 0 comments
- GitHub - zalando-incubator/kube-ingress-aws-controller: Configures AWS Application Load Balancers according to Kubernetes Ingress resources https://github.com/zalando-incubator/kube-ingress-aws-controller 0 comments
Linked pages
- Google https://www.google.com/ 17459 comments
- Kubernetes https://kubernetes.io 220 comments
- http://yandex.ru 32 comments
- Ingress | Kubernetes https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/ingress/ 29 comments
- 百度一下,你就知道 http://www.baidu.com/ 20 comments
- GitHub - etcd-io/etcd: Distributed reliable key-value store for the most critical data of a distributed system https://github.com/coreos/etcd 20 comments
- GitHub - corazawaf/coraza: OWASP Coraza WAF is a golang modsecurity compatible web application firewall library https://github.com/jptosso/coraza-waf 16 comments
- Apache License, Version 2.0 – Open Source Initiative https://opensource.org/licenses/Apache-2.0 6 comments
- Kubernetes in production @ ShopGun | by Roffe | ITNEXT https://itnext.io/kubernetes-in-production-shopgun-2c280f0c0923 3 comments
- GitHub - zalando-incubator/kubernetes-on-aws: Deploying Kubernetes on AWS with CloudFormation and Ubuntu https://github.com/zalando-incubator/kubernetes-on-aws 0 comments
- GitHub - zalando-incubator/kube-ingress-aws-controller: Configures AWS Application Load Balancers according to Kubernetes Ingress resources https://github.com/zalando-incubator/kube-ingress-aws-controller 0 comments