- Games which teaches you programming related stuff https://github.com/xmatekaj/AwesomeEducationalGames 13 comments programming
Linked pages
- The Password Game https://neal.fun/password-game/ 1379 comments
- Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share https://scratch.mit.edu 1020 comments
- Learn VIM while playing a game - VIM Adventures https://vim-adventures.com/ 681 comments
- Learn Git Branching https://learngitbranching.js.org/ 651 comments
- Screeps - MMO strategy sandbox game for programmers https://screeps.com/ 514 comments
- Grid Garden - A game for learning CSS grid layout http://cssgridgarden.com/ 492 comments
- Elevator Saga - the elevator programming game http://play.elevatorsaga.com 461 comments
- Interactive Vim tutorial https://openvim.com 392 comments
- XSS game https://xss-game.appspot.com/ 350 comments
- Flexbox Froggy - A game for learning CSS flexbox http://flexboxfroggy.com/ 343 comments
- cube composer http://david-peter.de/cube-composer/ 309 comments
- return true to win http://alf.nu/returntrue 295 comments
- Flexbox Defense http://www.flexboxdefense.com/ 269 comments
- Oh My Git! https://ohmygit.org/ 260 comments
- https://cmdchallenge.com/ 257 comments
- The SQL Murder Mystery https://mystery.knightlab.com/ 254 comments
- The Deadlock Empire http://deadlockempire.github.io/ 253 comments
- CSS Diner - Where we feast on CSS Selectors! https://flukeout.github.io/ 232 comments
- Swift Playgrounds - Apple http://www.apple.com/swift/playgrounds/ 229 comments
- yare.io https://yare.io 206 comments