- Advice on Bluetooth mouse/key combo https://github.com/x2es/bt-dualboot#dualboot-bluetooth-issue 4 comments fedora
Linked pages
- Offline Windows Password & Registry Editor http://pogostick.net/~pnh/ntpasswd/ 67 comments
- Bluetooth Pairing on Dual Boot of Windows & Linux Mint/Ubuntu - Stop having to Pair Devices - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/255509/bluetooth-pairing-on-dual-boot-of-windows-linux-mint-ubuntu-stop-having-to-p 7 comments
- GitHub - ademlabs/synckeys: Syncronize your Bluetooth device pairing keys from Windows to Linux. Share your Bluetooth devices between these OSes without having to pair them each time. https://github.com/ademlabs/synckeys 4 comments
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