Hacker News
- Cross-platform Rust rewrite of the GNU coreutils https://github.com/uutils/coreutils 305 comments
- Uutils: an attempt at writing cross-platform CLI utilities in Rust https://github.com/uutils/coreutils 314 comments
- Cross-platform Rust rewrite of the GNU coreutils https://github.com/uutils/coreutils 3 comments
- Cross-platform Rust rewrite of the GNU coreutils https://github.com/uutils/coreutils 487 comments
- Cross-platform Rust Rewrite of the GNU Coreutils https://github.com/uutils/coreutils 208 comments
- Packaging for Fedora https://github.com/uutils/coreutils 6 comments fedora
- The GNU coreutils have been re-implemented in Rust https://github.com/uutils/coreutils 243 comments linux
- Uutils coreutils - GNU coreutils rewritten in safe Rust https://github.com/uutils/coreutils 32 comments rust
- Uutils coreutils - GNU coreutils rewritten in safe Rust https://github.com/uutils/coreutils 93 comments linux
- Cross-platform Rust rewrite of the GNU coreutils https://github.com/uutils/coreutils 150 comments programming
- Cross-platform Rust rewrite of the GNU coreutils https://github.com/uutils/coreutils 23 comments linux
- Cross-platform Rust Rewrite of the GNU Coreutils https://github.com/uutils/coreutils 82 comments programming
- Cross-platform Rust Rewrite of the GNU Coreutils https://github.com/uutils/coreutils 84 comments linux
- uutils is an attempt at writing universal (as in cross-platform) CLI utils in Rust. https://github.com/uutils/coreutils 13 comments rust
Linking pages
- The Rust Implementation Of GNU Coreutils Is Becoming Remarkably Robust - Phoronix https://www.phoronix.com/news/Rust-Coreutils-uutils-2023 505 comments
- GitHub - TaKO8Ki/awesome-alternatives-in-rust: A curated list of replacements for existing software written in Rust https://github.com/TaKO8Ki/awesome-rewrite-it-in-rust 312 comments
- Rubenerd: A BSD person tries Alpine Linux https://rubenerd.com/a-bsd-pserson-trying-alpine-linux/ 276 comments
- Rust-Written Replacement To GNU Coreutils Progressing, Some Binaries Now Faster - Phoronix https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Rust-Coreutils-Jan-2022 269 comments
- The Great Rewriting In Rust – De Programmatica Ipsum https://deprogrammaticaipsum.com/the-great-rewriting-in-rust/ 218 comments
- GitHub - rust-unofficial/awesome-rust: A curated list of Rust code and resources. https://github.com/rust-unofficial/awesome-rust 178 comments
- Systems Languages: An Experience Report | by Sargun Dhillon | Medium https://blog.usejournal.com/systems-languages-an-experience-report-d008b2b12628 117 comments
- Systems Languages: An Experience Report | by Sargun Dhillon | Medium https://medium.com/p/systems-languages-an-experience-report-d008b2b12628 90 comments
- Rust Coreutils: Fixing Low-Hanging Performance Fruit · Patrick Jackson https://jackson.dev/post/rust-coreutils-dd/ 44 comments
- GitHub - rust-unofficial/awesome-rust: A curated list of Rust code and resources. https://github.com/kud1ing/awesome-rust 30 comments
- GitHub - TaKO8Ki/awesome-alternatives-in-rust: A curated list of replacements for existing software written in Rust https://github.com/TaKO8Ki/awesome-alternatives-in-rust 28 comments
- 4 projects ripe for a Rust rewrite | InfoWorld http://www.infoworld.com/article/3064686/open-source-tools/4-projects-ripe-for-a-rust-rewrite.html 27 comments
- GitHub - AbdesamedBendjeddou/Rusty-CS: A Computer Science Curriculum with Rust flavor! https://github.com/AbdesamedBendjeddou/Rusty-CS 22 comments
- Thoughts on the xz backdoor: an lzma-rs perspective | Blog | Guillaume Endignoux https://gendignoux.com/blog/2024/04/08/xz-backdoor.html 22 comments
- My growing list of Rust programs to use. · GitHub https://gist.github.com/Phate6660/76779693f654d48c5c410be658c53f02 21 comments
- My tools are going Rusty | Ellie's Blog https://elliehuxtable.com/my-tools-are-pretty-rusty/ 21 comments
- arl/README-Rust.md at master · kaxap/arl · GitHub https://github.com/kaxap/arl/blob/master/README-Rust.md 14 comments
- GitHub - vlang/coreutils: This repository contains programs equivalent to GNU coreutils, written in the V language. https://github.com/vlang/coreutils 13 comments
- Rust for the Brave and True - DEV Community https://dev.to/gruberb/rust-for-the-brave-and-true-4766 10 comments
- GitHub - rain-1/awesome-oxidization: components being replaced with rust versions https://github.com/rain-1/awesome-oxidization/ 10 comments
Linked pages
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