Hacker News
- Innernet: A private network system that uses WireGuard under the hood https://github.com/tonarino/innernet 23 comments
- How can I achieve something like this https://github.com/tonarino/innernet 5 comments selfhosted
- Anyone managed to use innernet with a VPS gateway? https://github.com/tonarino/innernet 4 comments selfhosted
- Nurture and shape your own private networks with simple, free, open-source infrastructure https://github.com/tonarino/innernet 15 comments selfhosted
Linking pages
- GitHub - anderspitman/awesome-tunneling: List of ngrok/Cloudflare Tunnel alternatives and other tunneling software and services. Focus on self-hosting. https://github.com/anderspitman/awesome-tunneling 260 comments
- GitHub - rust-unofficial/awesome-rust: A curated list of Rust code and resources. https://github.com/rust-unofficial/awesome-rust 178 comments
- GitHub - HarvsG/WireGuardMeshes: A text repo to feature-track all the WireGuard mesh software https://github.com/HarvsG/WireGuardMeshes 18 comments
- arl/README-Rust.md at master · kaxap/arl · GitHub https://github.com/kaxap/arl/blob/master/README-Rust.md 14 comments
- GitHub - rust-unofficial/awesome-rust: A curated list of Rust code and resources. https://github.com/rust-unofficial/awesome-rust?tab=readme-ov-file#database 9 comments
- Weekly trending Rust repositories https://trendy.dev/week/Rust 3 comments
- GitHub - fabacab/awesome-cybersecurity-blueteam: 🛡️ A curated collection of awesome resources, tools, and other shiny things for cybersecurity blue teams. https://github.com/meitar/awesome-cybersecurity-blueteam 0 comments
- GitHub - mikeroyal/WireGuard-Guide: WireGuard Guide. Learn all about WireGuard for Networking and in the Cloud (Azure, AWS, and GCP). https://github.com/mikeroyal/WireGuard-Guide 0 comments
- GitHub - cedrickchee/awesome-wireguard: A curated list of WireGuard tools, projects, and resources. https://github.com/cedrickchee/awesome-wireguard 0 comments
Linked pages
- Introducing 'innernet' | tonari blog https://blog.tonari.no/introducing-innernet 100 comments
- Tailscale · Best VPN Service for Secure Networks https://tailscale.com/ 97 comments
- WireGuard: fast, modern, secure VPN tunnel https://www.wireguard.com/ 89 comments
- GitHub - slackhq/nebula: A scalable overlay networking tool with a focus on performance, simplicity and security https://github.com/slackhq/nebula 50 comments
- Installation - WireGuard https://www.wireguard.com/install/ 41 comments
- Classless Inter-Domain Routing - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classless_Inter-Domain_Routing 3 comments
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