Hacker News
- Hspec: testing a non-Haskell project https://github.com/sstephenson/bats 4 comments haskell
- BATS vs shUnit2 for testing existing, mid-sized bash project? https://github.com/sstephenson/bats 2 comments bash
- Early version of my POSIX Shell testing tool https://github.com/sstephenson/bats/ 3 comments shell
- Bash Automated Testing System https://github.com/sstephenson/bats 3 comments linux
Linking pages
- The MacBook Pro is Dead. Long Live the MacBook Pro with Touch Bar. https://andrewchidden.com/long-live-the-macbook-pro-with-touch-bar/ 201 comments
- GitHub - niieani/bash-oo-framework: Bash Infinity is a modern standard library / framework / boilerplate for Bash https://github.com/niieani/bash-oo-framework 199 comments
- Bashing the Bash — Replacing Shell Scripts with Python | by Steven F. Lott | Capital One Tech | Medium https://medium.com/capital-one-tech/bashing-the-bash-replacing-shell-scripts-with-python-d8d201bc0989 186 comments
- GitHub - rbenv/rbenv: Manage your app's Ruby environment https://github.com/sstephenson/rbenv 126 comments
- GitHub - mrowa44/emojify: Emoji on the command line https://github.com/mrowa44/emojify 83 comments
- Shell Scripts Matter - DEV Community https://dev.to/thiht/shell-scripts-matter 60 comments
- GitHub - pimterry/git-confirm: Git hook to catch placeholders and temporary changes (TODO / @ignore) before you commit them. https://github.com/pimterry/git-confirm 56 comments
- Testing Bash applications. Some time ago I was faced with a task… | by Nikita Sobolev | wemake.services | Medium https://medium.com/wemake-services/testing-bash-applications-85512e7fe2de 39 comments
- GitHub - mrbalihai/passbox: Simple command line password manager using a flat file as a database and GPG encryption https://github.com/RobBollons/passbox 33 comments
- GitHub - bats-core/bats-core: Bash Automated Testing System https://github.com/bats-core/bats-core 25 comments
- Testing Your Shell Scripts, with Bats | by Tim Perry | Medium https://medium.com/@pimterry/testing-your-shell-scripts-with-bats-abfca9bdc5b9 19 comments
- GitHub - unfrl/dug: A global DNS propagation checker that gives pretty output. Written in dotnet core https://github.com/unfrl/dug 17 comments
- GitHub - EivindArvesen/prm: A minimal project manager for the terminal. https://github.com/eivind88/prm 16 comments
- GitHub - fugue/credstash: A little utility for managing credentials in the cloud https://github.com/LuminalOSS/credstash 14 comments
- GitHub - coinbase/assume-role: DEPRECATED — assume-role: a CLI tool making it easy to assume IAM roles through an AWS Bastion account https://github.com/coinbase/assume-role 13 comments
- GitHub - soraxas/shsh: A multi-threaded manager for shell scripts, functions, standalone binaries, tab-completions, and more. https://github.com/soraxas/shsh 13 comments
- GitHub - juanibiapina/zas: Simple router for local web development https://github.com/juanibiapina/zas 12 comments
- GitHub - SUSE/Portus: Authorization service and frontend for Docker registry (v2) https://github.com/SUSE/Portus 12 comments
- GitHub - mtompkins/linux-kernel-utilities: Utilities to compile and / or update linux kernels for Debian and derivatives (e.g. Ubuntu, LinuxMint, etc.) https://github.com/mtompkins/linux-kernel-utilities 7 comments
- GitHub - stackrox/stackrox: The StackRox Kubernetes Security Platform performs a risk analysis of the container environment, delivers visibility and runtime alerts, and provides recommendations to proactively improve security by hardening the environment. https://github.com/stackrox/stackrox 6 comments
Linked pages
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