Hacker News
- Show HN: Serverless Authentication as a Service Provider on top of AWS Cognito https://github.com/squidfunk/terraform-aws-cognito-auth 2 comments
Linked pages
- Pricing | Amazon Cognito | Amazon Web Services (AWS) https://aws.amazon.com/cognito/pricing/ 75 comments
- Moving out of the Amazon SES sandbox - Amazon Simple Email Service https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/DeveloperGuide/request-production-access.html 8 comments
- GitHub - danilop/LambdAuth: A sample authentication service implemented with a server-less architecture, using AWS Lambda to host and execute the code and Amazon DynamoDB as persistent storage. This provides a cost-efficient solution that is scalable and highly available and can be used with Amazon Cognito for Developer Authenticated Identities. https://github.com/danilop/LambdAuth 0 comments
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