Hacker News
- Nfhttp: A cross platform C++ HTTP library natively interfacing to platforms https://github.com/spotify/NFHTTP 40 comments
- NFHTTP: A cross platform C++ HTTP library that interfaces natively to other platforms. https://github.com/spotify/nfhttp 7 comments cpp
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- Enterprise Open Source and Linux | Ubuntu https://ubuntu.com/ 996 comments
- Xcode 15 - Apple Developer https://developer.apple.com/xcode/ 547 comments
- GitHub - nlohmann/json: JSON for Modern C++ https://github.com/nlohmann/json 439 comments
- Download Android Studio & App Tools - Android Developers https://developer.android.com/studio/index.html 339 comments
- /index.html http://www.openssl.org/ 115 comments
- Boost C++ Libraries http://www.boost.org/ 45 comments
- SQLite Home Page http://www.sqlite.org/ 39 comments
- iOS 16 - Apple http://www.apple.com/ios/ 17 comments
- GitHub - microsoft/cpprestsdk: The C++ REST SDK is a Microsoft project for cloud-based client-server communication in native code using a modern asynchronous C++ API design. This project aims to help C++ developers connect to and interact with services. https://github.com/Microsoft/cpprestsdk 13 comments
- https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 7 comments
- curl https://curl.haxx.se/ 5 comments
- CMake - Upgrade Your Software Build System https://cmake.org/ 4 comments
- Visual Studio: IDE and Code Editor for Software Developers and Teams https://visualstudio.microsoft.com 3 comments
- macOS Ventura - Apple http://apple.com/macos 1 comment
- Gradle Build Tool http://gradle.org/ 1 comment
- Ninja, a small build system with a focus on speed https://ninja-build.org/ 0 comments
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