Hacker News
- ELVM – Similar to LLVM but Dedicated to Esoteric Languages https://github.com/shinh/elvm/ 3 comments
- EsoLangVM Compiler Infrastructure https://github.com/shinh/elvm 3 comments
Linking pages
- GitHub - keiichiw/constexpr-8cc: Compile-time C Compiler implemented as C++14 constant expressions https://github.com/kw-udon/constexpr-8cc#constexpr-8cc-compile-time-c-compiler- 124 comments
- GitHub - woodrush/lisp-in-life: A Lisp interpreter implemented in Conway's Game of Life https://github.com/woodrush/lisp-in-life 91 comments
- GitHub - woodrush/lambda-8cc: x86 C compiler written in untyped lambda calculus https://github.com/woodrush/lambda-8cc 87 comments
- GitHub - rhysd/8cc.vim: C Compiler written in Vim script https://github.com/rhysd/8cc.vim 61 comments
- A Lisp Interpreter Implemented in Conway’s Game of Life | Woodrush’s Blog https://woodrush.github.io/blog/posts/2022-01-12-lisp-in-life.html 26 comments
- GitHub - JuliaPoo/Artfuscator: A C compiler targeting an artistically pleasing nightmare for reverse engineers https://github.com/JuliaPoo/Artfuscator 1 comment
- GitHub - nikitavoloboev/github-stars: Curated list of my GitHub stars https://github.com/nikitavoloboev/github-stars 0 comments
- GitHub - makenowjust/8cc.cr: compile-time C compiler implemented as Crystal macros https://github.com/MakeNowJust/8cc.cr 0 comments
- GitHub - shinh/bflisp: C compiler and Lisp interpreter in Brainfuck https://github.com/shinh/bflisp 0 comments
- GitHub - BaseMax/AwesomeCompiler: The Big list of the github, open-source compilers. https://github.com/BaseMax/AwesomeCompiler 0 comments
Linked pages
- Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share https://scratch.mit.edu 1020 comments
- GitHub - rui314/8cc: A Small C Compiler https://github.com/rui314/8cc 190 comments
- GitHub - shinh/sedlisp: Lisp implementation in sed https://github.com/shinh/sedlisp 151 comments
- GitHub - keiichiw/constexpr-8cc: Compile-time C Compiler implemented as C++14 constant expressions https://github.com/kw-udon/constexpr-8cc#constexpr-8cc-compile-time-c-compiler- 124 comments
- The International Obfuscated C Code Contest http://ioccc.org/ 119 comments
- GitHub - woodrush/lisp-in-life: A Lisp interpreter implemented in Conway's Game of Life https://github.com/woodrush/lisp-in-life 91 comments
- GitHub - woodrush/lambda-8cc: x86 C compiler written in untyped lambda calculus https://github.com/woodrush/lambda-8cc 87 comments
- GitHub - rhysd/8cc.vim: C Compiler written in Vim script https://github.com/rhysd/8cc.vim 61 comments
- Most functional https://www.ioccc.org/2012/tromp/hint.html 22 comments
- GitHub - shinh/makelisp: Lisp implementation in GNU make https://github.com/shinh/makelisp 20 comments
- https://tromp.github.io/cl/Binary_lambda_calculus.html 17 comments
- Esolang, the esoteric programming languages wiki https://esolangs.org/wiki/Main_Page 5 comments
- rhysd (Linda_pp) · GitHub https://github.com/rhysd 3 comments
- Grass the grass-planting programming language http://www.blue.sky.or.jp/grass/ 3 comments
- https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/editor/ 1 comment
- The Lazy K Programming Language https://tromp.github.io/cl/lazy-k.html 0 comments
- GitHub - shinh/bflisp: C compiler and Lisp interpreter in Brainfuck https://github.com/shinh/bflisp 0 comments
- GitHub - esoteric-programmer/LMFAO: Assembler for Malbolge Unshackled https://github.com/esoteric-programmer/LMFAO 0 comments
- GitHub - woodrush/lambdavm: A programmable virtual CPU written in untyped lambda calculus https://github.com/woodrush/lambdavm 0 comments
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