Hacker News
- Blitsort: A fast, in-place stable hybrid merge/quick sort https://github.com/scandum/blitsort 88 comments
- Blitsort is an in-place stable adaptive rotate merge sort https://github.com/scandum/blitsort/ 33 comments
- Blitsort: An in-place stable sorting algorithm faster than qsort and pdqsort https://github.com/scandum/blitsort 3 comments c_programming
- Blitsort: An in-place stable sorting algorithm faster than pdqsort https://github.com/scandum/blitsort 5 comments programming
- Blitsort is an in-place stable adaptive rotate merge sort https://github.com/scandum/blitsort/ 2 comments c_programming
- Blitsort: A new in-place stable sorting algorithm faster than quicksort https://github.com/scandum/blitsort/ 50 comments programming
Linking pages
- GitHub - scandum/quadsort: Quadsort is a branchless stable adaptive mergesort faster than quicksort. https://github.com/scandum/quadsort 456 comments
- GitHub - scandum/fluxsort: A fast branchless stable quicksort / mergesort hybrid that is highly adaptive. https://github.com/scandum/fluxsort 139 comments
- GitHub - bhauth/shelfsort: a stable sort using sqrt(n) memory https://github.com/bhauth/shelfsort/ 31 comments
- Console #74 -- Tile38, Blitsort, and Air https://console.substack.com/p/console-74?r=3cbez 0 comments
Linked pages
- GitHub - scandum/quadsort: Quadsort is a branchless stable adaptive mergesort faster than quicksort. https://github.com/scandum/quadsort 456 comments
- GitHub - scandum/fluxsort: A fast branchless stable quicksort / mergesort hybrid that is highly adaptive. https://github.com/scandum/fluxsort 139 comments
- GitHub - scandum/binary_search: A collection of improved binary search algorithms. https://github.com/scandum/binary_search 75 comments
- GitHub - scandum/wolfsort: Wolfsort is a stable adaptive hybrid radix / merge sort. https://github.com/scandum/wolfsort 27 comments
- GitHub - scandum/rotate: A collection of array rotation algorithms. https://github.com/scandum/rotate 12 comments
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