Hacker News
- Monads and popular FP abstractions, powered by Go 1.18 Generics https://github.com/samber/mo 3 comments
- Monads and popular FP abstractions, based on Go 1.18 Generics https://github.com/samber/mo 2 comments
- Monads and popular FP abstractions, based on Go 1.18+ Generics https://github.com/samber/mo 17 comments go , show
- Expected vs Unexpected errors in Go https://github.com/samber/mo 14 comments golang
- 🦄 Monads and popular FP abstractions, based on Go 1.18+ Generics (Option, Result, Either...) https://github.com/samber/mo 90 comments golang
Linking pages
- GitHub - samber/lo: 💥 A Lodash-style Go library based on Go 1.18+ Generics (map, filter, contains, find...) https://github.com/samber/lo 103 comments
- GitHub - samber/do: ⚙️ A dependency injection toolkit based on Go 1.18+ Generics. https://github.com/samber/do 33 comments
- In search of better error handling for Go | Gram Publishing v2 https://blog.orsinium.dev/posts/go/monads/ 5 comments
- awesome-stars/topics.md at master · maguowei/awesome-stars · GitHub https://github.com/maguowei/awesome-stars/blob/master/topics.md 0 comments
- The Spice of Life of slice: Refactoring to Functional Go with Lo and Mo (and TDD flow) | by Elle Mundy, Sotheby's Engineering | Sotheby’s Engineering Blog https://engineering.sothebys.com/the-spice-of-life-of-slice-refactoring-to-functional-go-with-lo-and-mo-and-tdd-flow-5716a76eb797 0 comments
- do package - github.com/samber/do - Go Packages https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/samber/do 0 comments
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