- TLDR - New to the command-line world? Or just a little rusty? Or, like me, you can't always remember the arguments to lsof or tar? https://github.com/rprieto/tldr 20 comments commandline
- While people are debating if "bropages" is offensive, here's the project I created last month :) https://github.com/rprieto/tldr 531 comments programming
Linking pages
Linked pages
- bro: just get to the point! http://bropages.org/ 1289 comments
- tldr pages https://tldr.sh/ 1003 comments
- Devhints — TL;DR for developer documentation https://devhints.io/ 187 comments
- GitHub - denisidoro/navi: An interactive cheatsheet tool for the command-line https://github.com/denisidoro/navi 75 comments
- GitHub - gnebbia/kb: A minimalist command line knowledge base manager https://github.com/gnebbia/kb 65 comments
- cheat.sh/:firstpage http://cheat.sh/ 41 comments
- GitHub - cheat/cheat: cheat allows you to create and view interactive cheatsheets on the command-line. It was designed to help remind *nix system administrators of options for commands that they use frequently, but not frequently enough to remember. https://github.com/cheat/cheat 37 comments
- GitHub - srsudar/eg: Useful examples at the command line. https://github.com/srsudar/eg 18 comments
- https://tldr.sh/assets/tldr-book.pdf 0 comments
- tldr InBrowser.App https://tldr.inbrowser.app 0 comments
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