- Easy communication between browser-tabs with the BroadcastChannel https://github.com/pubkey/broadcast-channel 110 comments programming
- BroadcastChannel that works in New Browsers, Old Browsers, WebWorkers and NodeJs https://github.com/pubkey/broadcast-channel/blob/master/readme.md 11 comments programming
Linking pages
- GitHub - pubkey/client-side-databases: An implementation of the exact same app in Firestore, AWS Datastore, PouchDB, RxDB and WatermelonDB https://github.com/pubkey/client-side-databases 178 comments
- LocalStorage vs. IndexedDB vs. Cookies vs. OPFS vs. WASM-SQLite | RxDB - JavaScript Database https://rxdb.info/articles/localstorage-indexeddb-cookies-opfs-sqlite-wasm.html 176 comments
- GitHub - pubkey/broadcast-channel: BroadcastChannel to send data between different browser-tabs or nodejs-processes + LeaderElection over the channels https://github.com/pubkey/broadcast-channel?v=2.1.10 24 comments
- GitHub - pubkey/client-side-databases: An implementation of the exact same app in Firestore, AWS Datastore, PouchDB, RxDB and WatermelonDB https://github.com/pubkey/client-side-databases?v=2 3 comments
- Node.js Open Source of the Month (v.July 2018) | by Mybridge | Mybridge for Professionals https://medium.com/@Mybridge/node-js-open-source-of-the-month-v-july-2018-f4ec666bad64 3 comments
Linked pages
- Can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc https://caniuse.com/#search=css%20grid 519 comments
- RxDB - A client side, offline-first, reactive database for JavaScript Applications https://rxdb.info/ 19 comments
- Broadcast Channel API - Web APIs | MDN https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Broadcast_Channel_API 0 comments