- How do you manage 'global' external tools https://github.com/pressly/goose 26 comments golang
- Usage for software delivery https://github.com/pressly/goose 40 comments docker
Linking pages
- The Go libraries that never failed us: 22 libraries you need to know | Three Dots Labs blog https://threedots.tech/post/list-of-recommended-libraries/ 98 comments
- GitHub - softika/gopherizer: Template repository for Go https://github.com/softika/gopherizer 32 comments
- GitHub - volatiletech/abcweb: Go web app framework and generator. Inspired by Rails. https://github.com/nullbio/abcweb 27 comments
- GitHub - learning-cloud-native-go/myapp: 🚀 How to build a Dockerized RESTful API application using Go. https://github.com/learning-cloud-native-go/myapp 25 comments
- Picking a database migration tool for Go projects in 2023 | Atlas | Open-source database schema management tool https://atlasgo.io/blog/2022/12/01/picking-database-migration-tool 22 comments
- GitHub - bnkamalesh/goapp: An opinionated guideline to structure & develop a Go web application/service https://github.com/bnkamalesh/goapp 20 comments
- GitHub - amacneil/dbmate: :rocket: A lightweight, framework-agnostic database migration tool. https://github.com/amacneil/dbmate 18 comments
- GitHub - yousifsabah0/go-structure: Yet another discussion about Golang project structure. https://github.com/yousifsabah0/go-structure 18 comments
- A simpler building block for Go CLIs | by Michael Fridman | Medium https://mfridman.medium.com/a-simpler-building-block-for-go-clis-4c3f7f0f6e03 14 comments
- GitHub - amanbolat/awesome-go-with-stars: Awesome-go list with stars. Automatically updated https://github.com/amanbolat/awesome-go-with-stars 9 comments
- Prevent destructive changes to your database with the Atlas GitHub Action | Atlas | Open-source database schema management tool https://atlasgo.io/blog/2022/08/22/atlas-ci-github-actions 8 comments
- Versioned Migrations Management and Migration Directory Integrity | ent https://entgo.io/blog/2022/05/09/versioned-migrations-sum-file 6 comments
- GitHub - volatiletech/abcweb: Go web app framework and generator. Inspired by Rails. https://github.com/volatiletech/abcweb 4 comments
- Database and migrations · Learning Cloud Native Go https://learning-cloud-native-go.github.io/docs/database-and-migrations/ 4 comments
- GitHub - dpbrackin/ready-set-go: A minimal Go starter project for building a web api https://github.com/dpbrackin/ready-set-go 4 comments
- GitHub - amacneil/dbmate: A lightweight, framework-agnostic database migration tool. https://github.com/adrianmacneil/dbmate 3 comments
- GitHub - orsinium-labs/ddlite: 🪶 Golang SQLite query builder for DDL queries (CREATE TABLE, ALTER TABLE, etc) https://github.com/orsinium-labs/ddlite 3 comments
- GitHub - eldonaldo/go-project-template: Simple template suitable for building a webapp backend MVP written in go https://github.com/eldonaldo/go-project-template 1 comment
- GitHub - peterldowns/pgtestdb: pgtestdb makes it cheap and easy to create ephemeral Postgres databases for your golang tests. https://github.com/peterldowns/pgtestdb 1 comment
- Overview - pressly/goose https://pressly.github.io/goose/ 0 comments
Linked pages
- CC BY 3.0 Deed | Attribution 3.0 Unported | Creative Commons http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ 140 comments
- GitHub - go-sql-driver/mysql: Go MySQL Driver is a MySQL driver for Go's (golang) database/sql package https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql 18 comments
- embed package - embed - Go Packages https://pkg.go.dev/embed 0 comments
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