- By the way, plotters has an ab_glyph feature now https://github.com/plotters-rs/plotters#list-of-features 8 comments rust
Linking pages
- GitHub - rust-unofficial/awesome-rust: A curated list of Rust code and resources. https://github.com/rust-unofficial/awesome-rust 178 comments
- Rust vs Julia in scientific computing https://mo8it.com/blog/rust-vs-julia/ 105 comments
- GitHub - rust-unofficial/awesome-rust: A curated list of Rust code and resources. https://github.com/kud1ing/awesome-rust 30 comments
- GitHub - plotters-rs/plotters: A rust drawing library for high quality data plotting for both WASM and native, statically and realtimely 馃 馃搱馃殌 https://github.com/38/plotters 21 comments
- arl/README-Rust.md at master 路 kaxap/arl 路 GitHub https://github.com/kaxap/arl/blob/master/README-Rust.md 14 comments
- GitHub - rust-unofficial/awesome-rust: A curated list of Rust code and resources. https://github.com/rust-unofficial/awesome-rust?tab=readme-ov-file#database 9 comments
- GitHub - dorianprill/bsfun: Basis Spline Fun(ctions) https://github.com/dorianprill/bsfun 0 comments
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