- tty-command - Run external commands with pretty output logging and capture stdout, stderr. Kick that bash habit. https://github.com/piotrmurach/tty-command 4 comments ruby
Linking pages
- A Second Search for Bash Scripting Alternatives - Monzool's Personal Publishing https://monzool.net/blog/2024/07/14/a-second-search-for-bash-scripting-alternatives/ 71 comments
- GitHub - piotrmurach/tty: Toolkit for developing sleek command line apps. https://github.com/piotrmurach/tty#1-overview 5 comments
- Piotr Murach - Nobody Gives a Sh*t about Your Software https://piotrmurach.com/articles/nobody-gives-a-shit-about-your-software/ 0 comments
Linked pages
- The MIT License | Open Source Initiative https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT 15 comments
- GitHub - piotrmurach/tty: Toolkit for developing sleek command line apps. https://github.com/piotrmurach/tty#1-overview 5 comments
- Contributor Covenant: A Code of Conduct for Open Source and Other Digital Commons Communities https://www.contributor-covenant.org/ 0 comments
- TTY • The Ruby terminal apps toolkit https://ttytoolkit.org/ 0 comments
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