Hacker News
- Rootbeer GPU Compiler Lets Almost Any Java Code Run On the GPU https://github.com/pcpratts/rootbeer1 79 comments
- Is it possible to compile on the GPU with CUDA or OpenCL? https://github.com/pcpratts/rootbeer1 7 comments java
- Rootbeer GPU Compiler lets almost any Java code run on the GPU http://github.com/pcpratts/rootbeer1 12 comments software
- Java to GPU compiler - fast procedural generation here I come! https://github.com/pcpratts/rootbeer1 8 comments gamedev
- Rootbeer compiler lets you easily run most Java code on your GPU https://github.com/pcpratts/rootbeer1#readme 92 comments programming
- Rootbeer GPU Compiler Lets Almost Any Java Code Run On the GPU https://github.com/pcpratts/rootbeer1 3 comments java
Linking pages
- Java on GPGPUs. At the 2015 International Conference on… | by Max Grossman | Medium https://medium.com/@jmaxg3/java-on-gpgpus-845d9ba58533 15 comments
- GitHub - Vedenin/useful-java-links: A list of useful Java frameworks, libraries, software and hello worlds examples https://github.com/vedenin/useful-java-links/ 10 comments
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