- Is there a library for Java that does what Normalizr for JS does? Make a dictionary of objects to avoid redundant references when marshaling to JSON/XML? https://github.com/paularmstrong/normalizr 12 comments java
Linking pages
- Why is it so difficult to modify a deeply nested state in React? | Alex Sidorenko https://alexsidorenko.com/blog/react-update-nested-state/ 139 comments
- RESTful API Design Tips from Experience | by Peter Boyer | Medium https://medium.com/studioarmix/learn-restful-api-design-ideals-c5ec915a430f 105 comments
- Why Redux is not so easy, some alternatives | by Miron Machnicki | Medium https://medium.com/@machnicki/why-redux-is-not-so-easy-some-alternatives-24816d5ad22d#.kyju2d601 73 comments
- Introducing redux-query. A library for querying and managing… | by Ryan Ashcraft | Amplitude Engineering https://amplitude.engineering/introducing-redux-query-7734e7215b3b 69 comments
- Usage Guide | Redux Toolkit https://redux-toolkit.js.org/usage/usage-guide/#exporting-and-using-slices 20 comments
- GitHub - dleitee/react-fetches: 🐙React Fetches a new way to make requests into your REST API's. https://github.com/dleitee/react-fetches 16 comments
- Organizing State | Redux http://redux.js.org/docs/faq/OrganizingState.html#organizing-state 15 comments
- GitHub - enaqx/awesome-react: A collection of awesome things regarding React ecosystem https://github.com/enaqx/awesome-react 13 comments
- GitHub - Bloomca/redux-tiles: Composable way to create less verbose Redux code https://github.com/Bloomca/redux-tiles 10 comments
- Practical Redux, Part 1: Redux-ORM Basics · Mark's Dev Blog http://blog.isquaredsoftware.com/2016/10/practical-redux-part-1-redux-orm-basics/ 9 comments
- Normalizing State Shape | Redux https://redux.js.org/recipes/structuring-reducers/normalizing-state-shape/ 8 comments
- GitHub - diegohaz/redux-modules: A modular approach to better organize redux stuff (not another library) https://github.com/diegohaz/redux-modules 8 comments
- Five Tips for Working with Redux in Large Applications | by Xandr Engineering | Xandr-Tech | Medium https://techblog.appnexus.com/five-tips-for-working-with-redux-in-large-applications-89452af4fdcb 5 comments
- Normalizing State Shape | Redux https://redux.js.org/recipes/structuringreducers/normalizingstateshape 5 comments
- Normalizing State Shape | Redux https://redux.js.org/docs/recipes/reducers/NormalizingStateShape.html 4 comments
- Introducing Redux-rest-easy. A library to generate your Redux code | by Adrien HARNAY | Brigad Engineering https://engineering.brigad.co/introducing-redux-rest-easy-6e9a91af4f59 4 comments
- React/Redux resources and links · GitHub https://gist.github.com/wayspurrchen/35b65cc820760c4cc0381412cda6c806 3 comments
- GitHub - travisbloom/redux-resources: *&ampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampLTEDIT>* nevermind, just use GraphQL *&ampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampLT/EDIT>*. An opinionated, yet extendable, set of redux action creators and reducers that simplify creating, reading, updating, and deleting remote resources. https://github.com/travisbloom/redux-resources 3 comments
- How to setup Redux for a REST api | by Onoufrios Malikkides | HackerNoon.com | Medium https://levelup.gitconnected.com/state-management-with-redux-50f3ec10c10a 3 comments
- Isn’t our code just the *BEST* 🙄 | by fat | Bumpers | Medium https://medium.com/bumpers/isnt-our-code-just-the-best-f028a78f33a9#.mye0rbb3d 1 comment
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