- DockerLocal - run your containerized microservices locally https://github.com/oslabs-beta/dockerlocal 25 comments docker
Linked pages
- Bulma: Free, open source, and modern CSS framework based on Flexbox http://bulma.io/ 675 comments
- TypeScript: JavaScript With Syntax For Types. http://www.typescriptlang.org 454 comments
- React – A JavaScript library for building user interfaces https://reactjs.org 441 comments
- npm | Home https://www.npmjs.com/ 238 comments
- Node.js — Run JavaScript Everywhere https://web.archive.org/web/20180306073316/https:/nodejs.org/en/ 67 comments
- webpack https://webpack.js.org 66 comments
- Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS | Electron https://www.electronjs.org/ 49 comments
- TSLint https://palantir.github.io/tslint/ 0 comments
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