- React Native 0.73.3 custom fonts android https://github.com/oblador/react-native-vector-icons 5 comments reactnative
- How can I install react-native-vector-icons when my NPM library is installed? I have react-native-vector-icons as a dependency in my NPM Package https://github.com/oblador/react-native-vector-icons 4 comments reactnative
Linking pages
- GitHub - anultravioletaurora/Jellify: A free and open source music player for Jellyfin powered by React Native https://github.com/anultravioletaurora/Jellify 64 comments
- GitHub - react-everywhere/re-start: react-native template to target multiple platforms with single codebase. https://github.com/amoghbanta/reactNativeEverywhere 44 comments
- GitHub - NewBieBR/typescript-react-native-starter: A highly scalable foundation with a focus on best pratices and simplicity to start your React Native project in seconds. https://github.com/NewBieBR/typescript-react-native-starter 35 comments
- @99xt/first-born - npm https://www.npmjs.com/package/@99xt/first-born 20 comments
- Build a “Not Hotdog” clone with React Native | by Aman Mittal | Heartbeat https://heartbeat.fritz.ai/build-a-not-hotdog-clone-with-react-native-8f9b9eb75bd2 19 comments
- GitHub - enaqx/awesome-react: A collection of awesome things regarding React ecosystem https://github.com/enaqx/awesome-react 13 comments
- A Quick Guide To Building Good React Native Mobile Apps https://blog.esteetey.dev/a-quick-guide-to-building-good-react-native-mobile-apps 12 comments
- GitHub - invertase/react-native-material-design: React Native UI Components for Material Design https://github.com/react-native-material-design/react-native-material-design 11 comments
- Ignite 2 — The shortcut for new React Native projects | by Daniel Schmidt | React Native Training | Medium https://medium.com/react-native-training/ignite-2-the-shortcut-for-new-react-native-projects-b62376da6c5d 9 comments
- GitHub - madhavanmalolan/awesome-reactnative-ui: Awesome React Native UI components updated weekly https://github.com/madhavanmalolan/awesome-reactnative-ui 9 comments
- Ignite — The Quickstart Kit for React Native | by Daniel Schmidt | Medium https://medium.com/@dschmidt1992/ignite-the-quickstart-kit-for-react-native-283d5476e1a1 8 comments
- GitHub - verybluebot/react-native-boilerplate: React native light boiler plate, for easy start with the things you need https://github.com/verybluebot/react-native-boilerplate 8 comments
- GitHub - damithg-dev/react-native-template-nativego: React Native template for a quick start https://github.com/damithg-dev/react-native-template-nativego 7 comments
- GitHub - ericwooley/react-nativeish: React Native / React Native Web Boilerplate https://github.com/ericwooley/react-nativeish 7 comments
- Dingulo: Keep track of your days and have a better insight about your life | by S.j. Sakib | codeburst https://medium.com/@sjsakib/dingulo-keep-track-of-your-days-and-have-a-better-insight-about-your-life-67b83f9b2bbb 7 comments
- GitHub - jesster2k10/react-native-ts-boilerplate: A easy to use, fully featured, React Native Boilerplate that helps you save time. https://github.com/jesster2k10/react-native-ts-boilerplate 6 comments
- GitHub - vitalets/react-native-extended-stylesheet: Extended StyleSheets for React Native https://github.com/vitalets/react-native-extended-stylesheet 6 comments
- 11 React Native Component Libraries you Should Know in 2019 | by Jonathan Saring | Bits and Pieces https://blog.bitsrc.io/11-react-native-component-libraries-you-should-know-in-2018-71d2a8e33312 6 comments
- My Journey from ReactJS to React-Native | by David Mieloch | React Native Now | Medium https://medium.com/@davidmieloch/my-journey-from-reactjs-to-react-native-d19986a47dec 5 comments
- GitHub - garrettmac/react-native-pagination: Animated Pagination For React Native's ListView, FlatList, and SectionList https://github.com/garrettmac/react-native-pagination 5 comments