- Is testing authorization in an authorized namespace overkill? https://github.com/nsarno/knock 5 comments rails
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- Happy users uploading files with Rails 5, Shrine, and Vue.js | by Todd Baur | ITNEXT https://medium.com/@toddbaur/happy-users-uploading-files-with-rails-5-shrine-and-vue-js-bbcc470a327f 3 comments
- GitHub - hothero/awesome-rails-gem: A collection of awesome Ruby Gems for Rails development. https://github.com/hothero/awesome-rails-gem 0 comments
- Build a simple Rails API server + Auth0 JWT authentication + React from scratch in 30 minutes (or less) | by Ian Khor | dev &ampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampLTtech> tips & tricks | Medium https://medium.com/devtechtipstricks/build-a-simple-rails-api-server-auth0-jwt-authentication-react-from-scratch-in-30-minutes-or-257cbb2a939a#.egifn5yqc 0 comments
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