Hacker News
- Show HN: Node-Rem: Rest Express Mongo in TypeScript, Passport, JWT, Docker, APIs https://github.com/ngduc/node-rem 3 comments
- node-rem - Rest Express MongoDB in typescript & more: passport, JWT, socket.io, HTTPS, HTTP2, async/await, nodemailer, templates, pagination, docker, etc. https://github.com/ngduc/node-rem 4 comments node
Linking pages
- GitHub - ngduc/react-tabulator: React Tabulator is based on tabulator - a JS table library with many advanced features. https://github.com/ngduc/react-tabulator 4 comments
- Node JS Starter - Javascript Boilerplates to start fast - DEV Community https://dev.to/sm0ke/nodejs-starter-javascript-boilerplates-to-start-fast-1024 0 comments
- GitHub - ngduc/react-tabulator: React Tabulator is based on tabulator - a JS table library with many advanced features. https://github.com/ngduc/react-tabulator?v=0.5.1 0 comments