- clipp - a single header, no-dependency C++11 library for building simple & complex command line interfaces with minimum boilerplate https://github.com/muellan/clipp 48 comments cpp
Linking pages
- GitHub - p-ranav/awesome-hpp: A curated list of awesome header-only C++ libraries https://github.com/p-ranav/awesome-hpp 75 comments
- GitHub - fffaraz/awesome-cpp: A curated list of awesome C++ (or C) frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-... stuff. https://github.com/fffaraz/awesome-cpp 38 comments
- GitHub - Caerind/AwesomeCppGameDev: A curated list of awesome C++ (mainly) things for Game Development. Inspired by awesome-... stuff. https://github.com/cmdu76/awesomecppgamedev 12 comments
- Checking a Header-Only C++ Library Collection (awesome-hpp) | by Unicorn Developer | PVS-Studio | Medium https://medium.com/pvs-studio/checking-a-header-only-c-library-collection-awesome-hpp-bf742bccf200 0 comments
- GitHub - Kansattica/msync: A store and forward command line Mastodon and Pleroma client that fits on a floppy disk. https://github.com/Kansattica/msync 0 comments
Linked pages
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