Hacker News
- ContainerYard: Declarative, reproducible, and reusable approach for containers https://github.com/mcmah309/containeryard 3 comments
- ContainerYard 0.3.0 Released https://github.com/mcmah309/containeryard 0 comments rust
- Announcing ContainerYard - A Declarative, Reproducible, and Reusable Decentralized Approach For Defining Containers. Dockerfiles Meet Nix Flakes. vAlpha https://github.com/mcmah309/containeryard 2 comments programming
- Announcing ContainerYard - A Declarative, Reproducible, and Reusable Decentralized Approach For Defining Containers. Dockerfiles Meet Nix Flakes. https://github.com/mcmah309/containeryard 7 comments rust
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