- Nanobench: Fast, Accurate, Single-Header Microbenchmarking Functionality For C++ https://github.com/martinus/nanobench 7 comments cpp
- ankerl::nanobench: Alpha version with instruction count, branches, branch misses, https://github.com/martinus/nanobench 8 comments cpp
- nanobench v2.0.0 released: documentation, CSV, JSON, boxplots, g++4.8 compatible, Infinite running, ... https://github.com/martinus/nanobench 9 comments cpp
- ankerl::nanobench: Simple, fast, accurate single-header microbenchmarking functionality https://github.com/martinus/nanobench 11 comments cpp
Linking pages
- GitHub - rigtorp/awesome-modern-cpp: A collection of resources on modern C++ https://github.com/rigtorp/awesome-modern-cpp 114 comments
- GitHub - boost-ext/ut: UT: C++20 μ(micro)/Unit Testing Framework https://github.com/boost-experimental/ut 83 comments
- GitHub - DeveloperPaul123/thread-pool: A modern, fast, lightweight thread pool library based on C++20 https://github.com/DeveloperPaul123/thread-pool 77 comments
- GitHub - p-ranav/awesome-hpp: A curated list of awesome header-only C++ libraries https://github.com/p-ranav/awesome-hpp 75 comments
- GitHub - YarikTH/ureact: Functional reactive programming library for c++ https://github.com/yarikth/ureact 54 comments
- GitHub - martinus/svector: Compact SVO optimized vector for C++17 or higher https://github.com/martinus/svector 54 comments
- GitHub - bkryza/clang-uml: Customizable automatic UML diagram generator for C++ based on Clang. https://github.com/bkryza/clang-uml 39 comments
- GitHub - fffaraz/awesome-cpp: A curated list of awesome C++ (or C) frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-... stuff. https://github.com/fffaraz/awesome-cpp 38 comments
- GitHub - Caerind/AwesomeCppGameDev: A curated list of awesome C++ (mainly) things for Game Development. Inspired by awesome-... stuff. https://github.com/cmdu76/awesomecppgamedev 12 comments
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