- Heroku buildpack for create-react-app https://github.com/mars/create-react-app-buildpack 11 comments reactjs
Linking pages
- Deployment | Create React App https://create-react-app.dev/docs/deployment/#serving-apps-with-client-side-routing 21 comments
- GitHub - Jayphen/Boilerplate-CRA2-Typescript-Emotion: A boilerplate for using the alpha version of Create-React-App 2 along with Typescript and Emotion support via react-app-rewired https://github.com/Jayphen/cra2-typescript-emotion 17 comments
- Deployment | Create React App https://facebook.github.io/create-react-app/docs/deployment 11 comments
- GitHub - birkir/react-suspense-demo: React Suspense Demo inspired by Dan's future api https://github.com/birkir/react-suspense-demo 10 comments
- GitHub - mars/heroku-cra-node: ⚛️ How to use create-react-app with a custom Node server on Heroku https://github.com/mars/heroku-cra-node 9 comments
- GitHub - Arithmetics/pubg-advanced-stats: React app for front end of my PUBG API https://github.com/Arithmetics/pubg-advanced-stats 7 comments
- GitHub - hillscottc/plantapp: A React + MobX app for Plants data from USDA https://github.com/hillscottc/plantapp 6 comments
- GitHub - emergentbit/FirebaseReactAuthBoilerplate: A boilerplate react app with Firebase auth Google oauth2 provider https://github.com/emergentbit/FirebaseReactAuthBoilerplate 5 comments
- docker-compose-django-react/frontend at master · 18F/docker-compose-django-react · GitHub https://github.com/18f/docker-compose-django-react/tree/master/frontend 4 comments
- GitHub - quangv/create-react-coffee-app: Create-react-app + Coffee-script, starter template https://github.com/quangv/create-react-coffee-app 2 comments
- GitHub - tuchk4/awesome-create-react-app: Awesome list of Create React App articles / tutorials / videos and FAQ https://github.com/tuchk4/awesome-create-react-app 0 comments
- Facial-Recognition: Using React-Redux and Kairos to Identify Yourself | by Tarique Ejaz | codeburst https://codeburst.io/facial-recognition-using-react-redux-and-kairos-to-identify-yourself-18a0f0933556 0 comments
- GitHub - Cosecha/redadalertas: A web app for crowdsourcing immigration raid data. https://github.com/Cosecha/redadalertas 0 comments
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