Hacker News
- Documented and annotated source code for Elite on the Commodore 64 https://github.com/markmoxon/elite-source-code-commodore-64 54 comments
- Fully documented and annotated source code for Elite on the Commodore 64 https://github.com/markmoxon/elite-source-code-commodore-64 10 comments programming
Linking pages
- Fully documented source code for Elite on the 6502 (BBC Micro, Acorn Electron, Commodore 64, Apple II, NES) https://elite.bbcelite.com/ 59 comments
- GitHub - markmoxon/elite-source-code-bbc-micro-cassette: Fully documented and annotated source code for the cassette version of Elite on the BBC Micro https://github.com/markmoxon/elite-source-code-bbc-micro-cassette 0 comments
- GitHub - markmoxon/elite-source-code-apple-ii: Fully documented and annotated source code for Elite on the Apple II https://github.com/markmoxon/elite-source-code-apple-ii 0 comments
Linked pages
- Fully documented source code for Elite on the 6502 (BBC Micro, Acorn Electron, Commodore 64, Apple II, NES) https://elite.bbcelite.com/ 59 comments
- GitHub - markmoxon/teletext-elite: BBC Micro Elite… in teletext https://github.com/markmoxon/teletext-elite 2 comments
- GitHub - Kroc/elite-harmless: Disassembly (CA65) of the Commodore 64 port of the seminal space-sim Elite, by Ian Bell / David Braben. https://github.com/Kroc/elite-harmless 1 comment
- GitHub - markmoxon/c64-elite-flicker-free: A patch for Commodore 64 and Plus/4 Elite that removes the flicker https://github.com/markmoxon/c64-elite-flicker-free 0 comments
- GitHub - markmoxon/elite-source-code-bbc-micro-cassette: Fully documented and annotated source code for the cassette version of Elite on the BBC Micro https://github.com/markmoxon/elite-source-code-bbc-micro-cassette 0 comments
- GitHub - markmoxon/elite-source-code-apple-ii: Fully documented and annotated source code for Elite on the Apple II https://github.com/markmoxon/elite-source-code-apple-ii 0 comments
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