- I created a blazing fast view library that lets you write Javascript Template Literals in HTML: reLift-HTML . 2kb, no dependency, no virtual dom, no build tool. Please provide feedback, criticism, help and contributions, including pull requests. I'd really appreciate it. https://github.com/mardix/relift-html 6 comments webdev
- reLift-HTML - In Need of Feedback, help and contributors. It's a blazing fast view library that lets you write Javascript Template Literals in HTML. 2kb gzip, no dependency, no virtual dom, no build tool. https://github.com/mardix/relift-html 7 comments javascript
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- Can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc https://caniuse.com/#search=css%20grid 519 comments
- Days Since Last JavaScript Framework http://dayssincelastjavascriptframework.com/ 91 comments
- GitHub - sindresorhus/on-change: Watch an object or array for changes https://github.com/sindresorhus/on-change#on-change- 0 comments
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