Hacker News
Linking pages
- GitHub - dundalek/awesome-lisp-languages: A list of Lisp-flavored programming languages https://github.com/dundalek/awesome-lisp-languages 108 comments
- GitHub - jaredkrinke/100-languages: Solving the first 100 Project Euler problems using 100 different programming languages! https://github.com/jaredkrinke/100-languages 108 comments
- GitHub - dbohdan/compilers-targeting-c: A list of compilers that can generate C code https://github.com/dbohdan/compilers-targeting-c 36 comments
- GitHub - eliot-akira/waxolotl: A small language that compiles to WebAssembly Text format https://github.com/eliot-akira/waxolotl 16 comments
- GitHub - ChessMax/awesome-programming-languages: The list of an awesome programming languages that you might be interested in https://github.com/ChessMax/awesome-programming-languages 7 comments
- 100 programming languages in one post https://log.schemescape.com/posts/programming-languages/100-languages-summary.html 1 comment