- Pure Go 1000k+ connections solution, support tls/http1.x/websocket and basically compatible with net/http, with high-performance and low memory cost, non-blocking, event-driven, easy-to-use https://github.com/lesismal/nbio 35 comments golang
Linking pages
- GitHub - amanbolat/awesome-go-with-stars: Awesome-go list with stars. Automatically updated https://github.com/amanbolat/awesome-go-with-stars 9 comments
- Weekly trending Go repositories https://trendy.dev/week/Go 5 comments
- GitHub - lxzan/gws: lightweight go websocket server & client, supports running over tcp/kcp/uds. keywords: ws, wss, proxy, chat, golang https://github.com/lxzan/gws 0 comments
Linked pages
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