- StateMan: a small library for creating complex routing, inspired by ui-router https://github.com/leeluolee/stateman 3 comments javascript
- stateman:a standalone & state—based routing library(10kb) that similiar with angular ui—router https://github.com/leeluolee/stateman 5 comments angularjs
Linked pages
- GitHub - leeluolee/puer: more than a live-reload server, built for efficient front-end development https://github.com/leeluolee/puer 19 comments
- GitHub - angular-ui/ui-router: The de-facto solution to flexible routing with nested views in AngularJS https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-router 10 comments
- GitHub - regularjs/regular: regularjs: a living template engine that helps us to create data-driven component. https://github.com/regularjs/regular 2 comments
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